Wuben C3 flashlight: built-in charging overcharges?!

Olights i1r2 does the same square spill. I thought that would indicate a good alignment of LED and optics.

Just a shout out here to Wuben for standing behind the MANY great lights they sell. :+1: :+1: :+1:

I personally own a C3 (and smaller C5- 14500) bought this last year. BOTH nicely designed lights with excellent finishes (several colors). The C3 had issues with overcharging (see this post a few months back). It also had a slight misalignment problem with the reflector/led. As I bought the light on Black Friday I figured I (kinda) got what I paid for, BUT when I asked them about it they INSISTED on replacing my C3.

In fact, SEVERAL Wuben reps contacted me to insure I was happy. Very professional, honest, and straight-up about the C3 problem and wanting to make it right.

I was a fan, and now I’m a BIG fan of Wuben… and I can see more of their lights in my future. :smiley:

I got the Wuben C3 from Banggood before (which has the overcharging issue, which I am more concerned about).

I also did notice the "flat-tire" beamshot when shining the C3 on a wall, but I think not too noticeable in actual use..

In my Youtube beamshot video below, I made this comment in the description, about the "square-shaped" beam pattern for the Wuben C3:

I'll try to make another beamshot of the new Wuben C3, IF I can be assured of getting the new version (I am unable to order from Amazon).

Stocks in www.wubenlight.com is new version C3.

I'm not sure if the bandgood's stock, sorry.

Nice to see your comparison beam shots d_t_a!

I had a delivery of the corrected design C3 get screwed up by a new postal worker who couldn't find the mail box so hopefully, I can get some beam shots by tomorrow.

The new light arrived early today. The protected Wuben battery was at 3.6V when I started the cycle and terminated at 3.9V.

Concerning current draw, measurement was 3.1A & >4A with a 25R.

At ~4V on Wuben battery, I measured 1200 lumens.

With the Samsung 25R, it produced >1500 lumens.

And finally, the new TIR beam pattern is round. Both the spill and the hot spot.

I haven't found a single LED, clear, tight beam TIR without optical artifacts but this new one is good.

I'm charging one of the unprotected Samsungs I used in the previous post, at the moment, and will report on that.

My meter was still showing a 0.008mA current but the battery charged up to 4.16V.

Got my replacement and can confirm everything Nachtfeuerzeug said.

My voltage ending was 4.17 , my USB tester only goes out to .00 and it was at .01 when I pulled it.
As far as beam, she is nice and at least on my sample it is a tad warmer looking.

Mode memory also works well.
She’s a beast for the $.

Thanks to Wuben for making this right.

Picked up one, used discount on amazon, $20.00. Charges correctly, bright with round beam.

Ordered a C3 off Amazon a few days ago and it arrived today.

I can also confirm the onboard charging issue seems resolved, my C3 was left plugged in for several hours while I was out running errands, when I returned the charging light was green and the supplied Wuben battery tested at 4.17 volts.

The square light pattern was also absent from my light.

Thanks Wuben for making a very nice budget light

Thank you guys for the support.

But some customers might not take my honest as a rgiht thing. I reply everyone for the replacement and give the best sulotion I can offer.

However, they take this info and get me to 1 star, check the review here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R3A6MQCQY2WA3F/ref=cm_cr_othr_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B08LG64XBV

Now, my sales drops like crazy, if this is your purpose, you have make it succeed.

I'm not regret even now "harvest' a one star review for being honest and talk as much as I can here. But this should not be the weapon you are againt me.

For WUBEN supporters who got the new batch for replacement or order the new batch, could you help me to fight back?

Submit your honest opinions to Amazon and let others customers know the ture fact.

Thank you!

What makes even frustrated is that he is even not a verify purchase. Now I'm thinking it may come from the sneaky competitor who grabs every chance to attack in such a disgusting way

Positive Amazon review left for my C3. Good products and customer service should be supported.

Thanks Wuben

Howdy Wuben,

don’t let the whiners get you down— from what i have seen here on the BLF you are ★★★★★.

Thank you flashaholic from Florida.

WUBEN will be stronger with your guys support

Yay, still smiling.

Just upset what he has done and misleading the customers. Well also got he want, that is to let my sales dowm.

AMZ customers like to read the reviews, a none verify purchase 1 star review is powerful to scare people away.

Don’t worry, people are smart enough to qualify a lone dissenter among the many positives and believe your improved product.

Any discount for us who can’t order from Amazon? I’m not sure if I’m one of the first to report the overcharging issue on the Wuben C3, and would like to get the non-overcharging Wuben C3 to compare…

I had a bad battery a couple months back and Wuben took care of the problem promptly. 5 stars for CS.

I will suggest to order from aliexpress wuben store

Here is the link: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001223787484.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.774d6e7cFuegIc&algo_pvid=6fe28133-3b1f-4726-a35c-eebf67f1111a&algo_expid=6fe28133-3b1f-4726-a35c-eebf67f1111a-0&btsid=0bb47a1a16093834592548555eae6f&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_

So, now that this has been resolved, will someone please do a tear down? Maybe with the problem model so we can see the optic size, LED, and potential mods of the driver. You know, crazy stuff that's done on BLF! ;)