Virence Store Is Closing

The Virence website states the following: “As per 2020 December 31st, VirEnce Store will no longer be available. Thank you for the supports all this years.”

That’s a real bummer! I’m glad I got all the LEDs that I did from Clemence over the past year. What a great guy to deal with.

That is too bad. Anybody know if this was covid related, due to shipping delays for incoming and outgoing goods?
really sorry to hear this

Hope it’s just a pause due to the economic pressure we are all facing and that 6 months from now starting the business back up may be a viable option for Virence.

No :open_mouth:

I hope it's just rearranging business like L4P...

I hope everything is OK….

I’ll be making an order tomorrow. Shipping is extremely costly, so I’d like to split it with someone from PL.
Rest of the world is fine with me as well but it seems only unregistered shipping makes sense financially (it’s a bit over $2 for 50g letter and a bit over $3 for 100g).
Is there anybody willing? Please PM me.

How much is shipping is to Poland ? For me EMS shipping was not very expensive (16USD), but I got 38€ of custom fees on a 80€ order :frowning:

Shipping here costs $28.15.

I may need to pay customs as well, so I don’t think there’s anything to save here…

Noooo…. ive got my Order Yesterday with E21A Nichias from him.

The last Words from Clemens to me was……… The shipping situation in Indonesia is slowly killing my business.

Now i know it is the Truth……damn.

Yeah it is the same actually, but I checked and I only paid 16.4$ when I ordered in June by email, I remember now that it was cheaper than the price on the cart on the website (pretty sure it was arround 28 too), don’t know what that was about.

In France we have ”frais de dossiers” arround 20~25€, it’s a fixed fee. Then 20% VAT on top, I don’t know how it is in Poland but that’s on fixed fees that grouping can lower the cost.

Yeah, we don’t have such fixed fee. Only 23% VAT and (over €150) custom duty.

Indeed. I have something on order with economy shipping and asked him to process it when it becomes available again. Never thought the situation would still be the same end of the year. I fully understand that it doesn’t work for him as for his customers.

so what happens with say the H04 group buy orders and such ?

All incomplete projects and orders will be finished and gets delivered, don’t worry about it.

thanks, what sad news….

Aw man. That’s really bad news. Hope he is doing okay.

Very sad.

Sad indeed! :frowning:

I just ordered 4 different VR16SP4m E17A LEDs. The 3 I already have are awesome so I didn’t want to regret not getting some more. At my pace, I should be set for modding for awhile. Hopefully Virence will come back at some point in the future.

I'm also sad to hear about this - hope Clemence is doing well. He makes good products and has been great to work with.

I just placed a order for some VS35SP36 MCPCBs with Nichia 757s (thread with tests) - I've had great luck with these in the past and needed wanted to pick up a few for potential future projects while I still can.