02-MAY-2011 -- A bunch of small website updates


Mr. Admin: I'm just glad that I was able to help (for a change)

Foy: notasawesomeasyourmadphotographyskillz!


Maybe someday we can have our own chat or instant message system.

Taking into account the development of LEDs:

Maybe someday we can just morse to each other with our lights? ;)

I always go straight to Recent Posts and miss "Mark All Read" at these pages.

Hi Nautic, isn't the "Mark all Read" button visible for you? What URL are you referring to? Thanks!

They are not here: http://budgetlightforum.com/tracker "Recent Posts" Only here: http://budgetlightforum.com/ "Home"

Maybe we can all do a vulcan mind meld … no need to type …:slight_smile:

If my fingers were long enough to do that with e.g. fishinfool in Hawaii I would probably not be able to type at all.. :bigsmile:

What happened to Location?

Hi everyone,

Well, the missing "Location:" bug and the wrong post numbers past #50 were bugs that were introduced with this update. So I reverted back to a previous version of some components, and I think it's fixed now. Please let me know what you think.

Thanks! Cheers.

Ahh much better, I was beginning to forget where in the world people lived :)

Working nicely here.

Thanks for all the work.

My pleasure.

Good to see you alive and kicking Don!