[06-Dec-2011] Long outage resolved

Hi guys, any more details on the recent outage you experienced early in the morning EST today? Thanks, and my apologies.

Yes, I couldnt get on the Forums.... It wouldnt even load an error message.. it just stayed at my current website.

dont know what went wrong.. but good to be back again.

Because of that, I had a look at the other side

I experienced some issues this morning as well. Around 0600, maybe 06:30 EST. The site was pingable throughout but the web server itself would either take forever to serve up content or just time out. DFM also shows the daemon showing a 301, but I did not see that for myself. Mostly, the browser would just sit there and take forever to load nothing at all. I also noticed that ICMP traceroutes to budgetlightforum.com failed at this point, while www.budgetlightforum.com responded (I realize the latter is a CNAME for the former; no clue what happened there).

Was on and off a bit last night, about midnight (gmt). Checked forum page and it only had about 100 users in total

I'm having some problems at the moment, the site is slow and I just got a time out.

36 users online.

Got this just now.

And then upon reloading:

Intermittent outages all day. Host says another user on the server is creating heavy load. I'm researching webhosts right now.

Looking good so far sb56637, new host seems pretty fast :) thanks for your hard work providing this great forum.

Sweet, I'm glad that the host nameserver change propagated so fast.

I was wondering how long DNS would take to catch up. Fine here. (BT Internet)

Shouldn't be too long. :)

And thank you for all your work, Mr. Admin!

The new host seems much snappier from here.


My pleasure, I'm glad it's working for everyone. This new host has a lot of fascinating new features for a geek like myself, so I'm enjoying the changeover.