well E3A is 12mm shorter, so if keychain is what you’re looking for, i believe size is a big factor, thats like the difference of the width of a finger. or thumb if your hand is small lol
I do like the size of the E3A for sure. Do I need the high cri option? It is $3 more.
that depends on your preference, but i would recommend it, i got them.
Really surprised at the lack of love for the Thrunite. Have carried one for years. Great lights. With the free shipping deal you can now get 3 for under $20. It is a very nice light!
well to me, it came down to 3 things, 1. it wasnt free with $6 shipping before, 2. the length, 3. the knurling, pure aesthetics, i prefer the E3A knurling design
The C01s is very nice, but for me is slightly too long for a key chain light. Around 60 mm seems to be my limit. Also since they changed the knurling, now can be a bit too smooth for easy keychain single handed usage. (wish I could get a few more with the original milling). I purchased a number of second generation orange ones for emergency usage, hiking back pack, auto and tackle box and they work great for those purposes.
I have used the i3E EOS for a few years as a keychain light and the Luxeon with the PIMMA TIR has a nice tint and color temp with the right balance of throw and dispersion for a key light. The only down side for me is the smooth indents on the head. I use a small o-ring for grip.
I would be very interested to check out the Skilhunt E3A, it looks very similar in form to the i3E but with a LH351b. The spiral knurling with the parallel secondary cut looks promising. Also may be slightly smaller that the i3E.
Skilhunt E3A and Olight i3E are
both Low CRI, single mode 100 lumens
the C01S has Two Modes 3 and 100 lumens, and the LED is High CRI…
it is no contest, C01S is the winner on spectrum quality!
the Thrunite Ti3 has Three Modes, 0.04, 16, 100 lumens, and starts on a ridiculously useless lowest mode first. Every single time I use the light I have to at least double twist… not fun. And it is Low CRI, to me, thats a Fail!
C01S wins on spectrum quality
E3a and i3s win smallest size
Ti3 wins most complex