1234 Post Giveaway - Now closed - We have some unfortunate souls

Alllll aboard…. last chance to get on the Craptasm Express…

Well, the Wheel of Misfortune has been spun. We have some unfortunate lucky winners.

JohnnyMac come on down!
Sintro come on down!
Scaru come on down!
Apt323 come on down!

PM me your address.

BTW, Scaru’s unlucky lucky number came up twice! But I want to spread the crap phine photon engines around so one log to a customer…

Another bullet dodged

Shitfire, lol……………… We should avoid our product to be the Shitfire…

Congrats to the losinners. Nice texaspyro.

Damn, I'm really unlucky. :P PMing you my address now.

Commiserations to the poor suckers lucky winners. Thanks for nothin a great giveaway TexasPyro.

havent you won like 3 giveaways? lol

Yeah, I suspect that he has hacked random.org Or the power of his massive mind has sucked all the randomness out of the universe. :wink:

No... I would never do such a thing, and I totally didn't just win a knife on EDCF in their giveaway.

Gee, I would… J)

Woohoo! Crap from TP! Somehow that seems fitting.

Congrats to the rest of you scatologists. :bigsmile:

of my 5 year old flashaholic, I hereby do request entry into said fantabulous luminous contestimous. Crapola or Exquisita, he’ll put it to the test that even the mighty Pelican refuses! (lifetime guarantee limited to acts of God, Bear attack or small children)

Let the games begin! Oh, yeah, well, let em proceed in an orderly fashion then…

Him and Kreisler seem to have the knack, i suspect collusion

Does the craplight float? Nice brown tint to the beam? When it gets hot does it put forth an ode de toilet?

These are the things we really want to know wosers, so be sure to check back with the crap on the turd, ok?

Neat play on the giveaway Pyro, pretty cool! :wink:

Just realized I was a day behind, hadn’t seen this giveaway stuff before so I had no idea…this stinks. I need a shower…

I’ve won the last 3 of like 5 giveaways I’ve entered…but didn’t win the first dozen? Wierd

Soooo… you’ve been sponging the excess luck off of Scaru. Or hacking random.org Naughty, naughty.

three way oligopoly, pyro you need to bug that light so we get proof

To all the unfortunate lucky wieners winners… I finally got a chance to dispatch uniformed government couriers with your bags ’o crap… they should be there soon… unless there are donut shops along the way.