18 x XM-L Flashlight is in the town!! Someone has just up the game!!

Did you see the tint rating? 8000-8500K.

That’s just ONE reason why I won’t be buying one :open_mouth:

No way this thing can run to it's full potential without almost immediately smoking the emitters...where is all the heat going to go? Unless they water cool the dang thing. Absolute insanity...cool...but still...daggum

12000 lumens, eh? I have NO interest in ANY light that won’t run at full power for more than a few minutes or seconds without throttling back to a lower setting or self destructing. None whatsoever.

the reflector of this 18xm-l appears to be bad I have one 15 xm-l and the reflector its a absolute crap

I think the best high power multiled flashlight for mod are the courui 12 xm-l