18350 Battery tubes for BLF A6, Eagle Eye A6 and X6, as well as codes for short Convoy S2+ tubes in Blue and Red!

cajampa, that’s some seriously hard-core running! Thanks for the detailed explanation. In that context, I fully see your point.

Perhaps you need an external pack mounted battery pack, as 3000 lumens gobbles up our batteries (something I’m pretty sure you already know.)

Er, um, this basically already exists. Have you seen RMM’s store?

I’m not sure if you tried the A6 bike flasher, but the pulses don’t really help much with seeing what’s around you. It only really helps with making sure others see you. It’s basically a 150-lumen steady mode, only harder for others to ignore.

I still can’t really imagine trying to use 3000 lumens on foot. But then, I’m also pretty photosensitive. I was reminded of just how much last night: I went to take a bath in the dark… but I couldn’t. I started with a little 4-lumen light but it was too bright. I turned it down to 0.1 lumens, but it was still too bright. I turned it off, and found I could still see. So I got out to find out where the light came from. It turns out the light was the green-backlit LCD on my bench power supply, shining in from 8 meters away in the next room, behind a 75% closed bathroom door and a 100% closed 2-layer shower curtain.

Night blind, I am not. Unless someone shines 3000 lumens at me — then I won’t be able to see anything.

Wow. Now THAT is night vision! I poke around with 0.02 lumens all the time. Very useful for me. A quark moonlight is.2 lumens. I find that blinding at times.

Yup, he’s got the host bodies figured out.

What does RMM have that is — as close as possible to —- Wight’s driver and ToyKeeper’s UI?

For Keengeorge and anyone else interested in this, I set up a topic hoping to attract such ideas recently:

BLF cooperative design/appearance specifications for flashlights?

Just room in there for one or two coin cells stacked — and Lo! we’ve invented the refillable flashbulb …
Hey, at low-low-Moonlight, it might even work for a while …

I’m not sure if he does that. He’s got the drivers for sale, but you’d probably have to do a special request for different firmware.

Maybe after I get some attiny25/45/85 code going he might be willing to offer that as a premium driver. There’s a lot of space for code on those, so I’m hoping to write sort of a “kitchen sink” firmware.

New to the list.
I want 1 tube total, anodized. Thanks :party:

Richard has his own FET+1 driver, labeled MTNmn and he went to a great deal of trouble to get everything working as smoothly as possible. He also has guppydrv, with some 22 different addressable group modes. Richard is a bright guy, I’m pretty certain he could do pretty much what is asked.

I still want my two. A shorty A6 will be great for occasional use. A shorty X6 would have been just a bonus, and I would have gotten a couple more tubes had they fit. I will be happy with my two though. Thanks.

Good Day Hank,

Thank you Very Much for link & info.

Best Regards,


It should be added to the OP in bold that it doesn’t work with the X6

+1 :frowning:

We were working the issue, turns out it will not fit the X6.

With the changed thread pitch please remove my two from the list.

I would be in for 1.

Put me down for one, black.

Is there a coupon/great deal anywhere for a good 18350?

I’m in for 1 anodized
