Doesn't Torchy the Battery Boy sell for reasonable cost in UK? I will still buy Hi-Max, but only from US ebay dealer Protactical - BLF member Shaneatproshop, who will stand behind and has promised to test his cells. Not an option for you with new US shipping regs. Have you looked at Solarforce? I've always had good luck with my SF 2400, and the price on the new 2600mah cells goes down with quantity purchased. You can't beat SF customer service.
I don't favor price shopping on cells, particularly from ebay - it's too easy to put a fresh, shiny fake wrapper on an old cell and call it what you will. Good cells is not something you should look for the lowest bidder on. I will no longer buy batteries from DX or DD, as they have been caught selling fakes; Manafont seems to be a good source, but I will no longer invest in cheap xxxxFire cells. I have never had an issue buying batteries from IOS, CNQG or HK Equipment. Xtar 2600 is another favored cell of mine, but again, I prefer getting them from Shane in the U.S., so another recommendation for them is here:
Contact Serena ( and ask for the BLF price.