Only have the HC30 and I reckon the HC60 sits tighter than the HC30 for the HC30 is a bit off centre.
With the HC60 you have the whole of the light dead centre.
That being said I wear my HC30 without middle strap and it stays where you put it.
Don’t know about the Skilhunt but the Nitecores Drop down in brightness as the light gets hotter.
Mine dropped after 5 minutes on turbo to high when it got to 55 celcius.
Might be nice for when you need all attention on the road
If you’re looking for 14500/AA, Skilhunt H15 works for me. Bummer that it’s basically as heavy as an 18650 light and I wish it was more throwy so I could do the ez-mode below.
In the 18650 class, I love my Nitecore HC30. As Buzzing Bulb stated, beam is more throwy, but the bezel is easily removed and if you add a piece of difussion film in front of the lens, you can easily turn it floody and switch back as needed. I keep a piece of film in the battery compartment when it’s not on the light. Also, poor man’s quick and dirty fix, magic tape in front the lens. Out of the box, pretty good range for a right-angled light.
How hard would it be for someone to make a 90 degree head for a Convoy S2+ or BLF A6? ie something that screws in place of the top bezel/reflector and sends light out the side. Or even a purpose built head with the emitter turned 90 degrees?
Then we could have a headlamp that gives us all the extra setup options of 18650/18350, different chip/driver mode combos that are already out there.
I am not a fan of headlamps that use a top strap. Plus putting an S2 or other light on a headband that puts the light on the side of my head is not an option since it shines into my glasses. I know there are quite a few headlamp options around now but the build quality is lacking on a lot of them or they get pricey…
Buzzing Bulb…… I can, but I am going to have to go by memory on the HC30 because I loaned it to a friend a couple of days ago.
To me the HC30 has a bit more throw than the HC60 as well as the ‘hot spot’ being a bit tighter on the HC30.
To the best of my memory the spill is about the same.
Personally, the HC60 just does a better job at what I want a headlamp to be.
Just like with the Skillhunt, I use the HC30 as a handheld flashlight or clipped to the front pocket of jacket or shirt.
im having a tough time finding comparisons… of the 3, hc30, hc60 and h03, which is going to be the widest beam?
thanks for all the responses. really really helpful. nice to have a community like this to get information from. its like being a headlamp guru without being a headlamp guru.
Unless I’m mistaken, the H03 has a TIR diffuser. so that’s probably going to offer the biggest beam spread.
Edit: I think technically, the more accurate name would be a “refractor”, at least that’s what they used to call them in the lighting industry back in the 80’s.
I think the H03, if you take the H03F you can have the best of both worlds.
Though the Flip TIR does look easily breakable, especially when you are riding an ATV.
Getting hit in the face by brances and bushes and such….
exactly. even bouncing around smacking off the bottom of the helmet might be the end of it.
its strictly for flood purposes. when quadding id be carrying my convoy c8 for distance spotting.
my everyday light is a nitecore hc50 which is floody too, but had decent enough throw for my purposes.
i think the h03 is in the lead right now. its a shame that it has that big ugly triangle on the head band. ill probably end up cutting it off which will commit me to no top strap.
i wonder if my hc50 has a removable top strap. i can test out that without the top strap and see if it is do-able and compare the weights. at the very least i can loosen it all the way and try it like that.
Dont forget the Skilhunt H03 have a magnet in tailcap so you can also place em on a steel surface to light things, can be used as angle flashlight and it is also good as pocket light with the clip
nice. i also saw they have replacement headbands like the one that comes with it for 5 or so bucks. so i could have one with a strap and i can take the other and cut down the mount.
that reminds me. does anyone make a mount for these types of straps to hold a backup 18650? seems like something for sure that someone would make. havent found one in 1 minute of searching.
Mine is not removable on the HC50, I think it might be a bit heavy without it anyway.
The HC50 had been my go to headlamp until the HC60 came along. The HC60 quickly replaced it as “top dog” however.
Besides holding it in the hand, the pictures below show exactly how I use both my Skilhunt H03F & Nitecore HC30
i have 4 of those, but im thinking something that the headlamp strap can fish through. like the rubber mount that attaches the headlamp to the straps… but instead it holds a battery(protected of course).
basically, those, but a little more heavy duty for exposed protection, and add a way that it can attatch to the back of my headlamp. i know i can put a battery in my pocket, but itd be nice if it was always with the headlamp.
well, the h03 arrived last week and i got to use it a bit over the weekend. i love it. it has a super wide beam. with it on my head it essentially lights up my entire field of vision. with it around my neck it is plenty wide enough for me to see what i need to see while im on the atv. it is PLENTY light enough to use without the top strap. i knew it the instant i put it on. i pulled it back off and snipped off the topstrap tab on the head mount.
my nitpicks….
the rubber mount that it slides into doesnt fit on it perfect. there is one wide groove that the rubber mount fits in nicely, but on the other side, there is no spot for the rubber tab to drop into. its a bit annoying as depending on where it is riding, changes the resistance to rotating it up or down.
the switch is very exposed. i see it getting turned on in my backpack if im not careful. i prefer a recessed button.
i wish the turbo mode was temporary.
overall im super happy with my purchase though. im going to get a lot of use out of this thing. thanks for the guidance in my purchase everyone, regardless of what you recommended.