So what is going on with these trays , i thought that freeme was organizing a group buy for these trays or has this idea been abandoned? Just wondering.
I accidentally discovered that one of these will hold 6 x 18650 very well.
This is a good option for carry, almost waterproof, shock absorbent foam (at the cost of 1cm extra thickness) and RATTLE FREE.
That’s very nice. I’d love to see more of the variations you’ve made of this. Have you just made the standard tube, and the recharge (battery bank?) version?
Inspired by Johm I searched Aliexpress and found this 10x18650 Battery Storage Box for US $ 1.38 + US $0.28 shipping
and this soshine’s style waterproof box for 2x18650 for US $ 0.64, free shipping
I found this being sold with a discount for multiples on this AliExpress listing. Currently waiting to see whether my initial order with them pans out - if it does, these would be great for bringing spare batteries along into the outdoors. I have read they’re a bit long, but any rattling issues should be easily dealt with using the piles of foam padding I kept from Sofirn flashlight packaging.
Dunno. Other’n from Amazon, where they’ll ship a paperclip inside a toaster-oven-sized box, I’ve never had good luck with any boxes being shipped from overseas. Think only 1 box ever (1 of 2 boxes of 21700s from Sofirn) made it through unscathed, and all the others were at minimum cracked or more likely had loose pieces flying about.
:+1: … Ain’t that the truth!! It never ceases to amaze me….