Am i the only one irked that that candle was blown out leftwards? Hhahahh!! Status Updates
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Am i the only one irked that that candle was blown out leftwards? Hhahahh!!
Yes, i would be irked if it was blown out rightwards
Ummm… yeah… you probably are.
Bump. Hopefully this update will fix the Hello Kitty skin.
Keep posting, WillyD! That beautiful S5 needs a new home
About an hour from the time of this current post.
Can i binge browse BLF before the outage to forestall withdrawal symptoms?
Ok, 500 posts…you’re clear to shut ’er down sb!
5 minutes to BLF withdrawal
don’t forget
This page will only be used to notify visitors and users in case of an unexpected site outage.
negative 1 minute
Did I miss it?
Sb is working over time today.
We are still up and running.
This is actually hands-off for me. The admins at the host are probably migrating all of the residents to different hardware one by one, so I imagine they haven’t gotten to us yet.
Will you still have to check if it all went okay?
Will you still have to check if it all went okay?
Not really, because they’re just moving us temporarily to another server, so no data loss or configuration change risks.
everydaysurvivalgear:Will you still have to check if it all went okay?
Not really, because they’re just moving us temporarily to another server, so no data loss or configuration change risks.
I would expect the last couple posts to be lost. Perhaps i just think over cautiously
negative 1 hour