20mm Nanjg 105C compatible driver on OSHPARK.COM

BTW, you can get Kapton solder paste stencils from OSHSTENCILS.COM for cheap. Their quality is top notchs. I sent them a test pattern with …2 mm features on it and it came out perfect. Just upload the Eagle .BRD file to them, select what you want, Paypal them a few bucks, voila.

I solder paste the spring side first (it just has 4 AMC7135’s on it), place components, reflow the board in my oven (DIY Reflow Oven), flip the board, paste the CPU side, place components, then reflow the board again.

Pasting the second side can be a little tricky since the board+components on the now bottom side makes the top side no longer sit flush with my solder pasting board holder. The board is small and simple so I had no problems just hand holding/aligning the stencil. It might be easier to do the CPU side first since that side has more/finer parts on it.