Emisar D3AA is available now

Hank, what is the CRI on the SFN60?
Also, do you have any more SFT70? Wanted a K1 with that.

1 Thank

Hank! How small of a batch are we talking? I will get one but wanted to wait and see how the different tints are and the cri?! Ty.

Kurzes Feedback von Hank:
„Hi, the 3000K version is 90CRI, the 6500K/5500K is 70CRI.“

Hab dann mal die 3000k in der D1K bestellt … :wink:

2 Thanks

Would it be possible to program the low mode to go lower on the Emisar D2 as the top of the ramp is not high at only 2.5A. Or due to Op-amp and sense resistor used it would be just as bad as doing that on the linear 5A driver, where issues would creep in from sample to sample?

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Does the SFN60 work in the DM11 or is it not compatible with the optic?

1 Thank

It might be possible to reduce the lowest level slightly. But there are caveats.

Mine says it’s running the D4Sv2-tintramp firmware. The config for that shows the lowest level as 2/16383. In theory, it could be reduced to 1/16383 or even just 0… but going under 2 units would interfere with the tint ramping mode, so that part of the code would need some changes too.

But let’s say it gets reduced to 1/16383 or 0. The brightness is, approximately, base + (ratio * max). And on mine, here’s a rough estimate of how that works out:

  • 219B channel:
    • 2/16383: 0.15 lm + (2/16383 * 400 lm) = 0.19 lm
    • 1/16383: 0.15 lm + (1/16383 * 400 lm) = 0.17 lm
    • 0: 0.15 lm + (0 * 400 lm) = 0.15 lm
  • W1 channel:
    • 2/16383: 0.5 lm + (2/16383 * 600 lm) = 0.57 lm
    • 1/16383: 0.5 lm + (1/16383 * 600 lm) = 0.53 lm
    • 0: 0.5 lm + (0 * 400 lm) = 0.5 lm

So I’m guessing it’s probably possible to reduce output slightly, but probably not enough to make a significant visual difference.

I’m in the middle of rewriting the tint ramp code though, so maybe I can get it reduced as much as possible.

For a light like this, my plan was to give it 3 “channel modes”, and 3C would rotate through them…

  • ch1 only
  • ch2 only
  • “tint mix” style blend with “200% power” turbo

… and the user could enable or disable each mode if there are any they don’t want to have in the rotation. Like, I personally would turn off the blend mode on this light. Then 3C would simply swap between flood and throw modes, instead of rotating through all three channel modes. Additionally, these two modes could easily use a different PWM table which goes down to 1 or 0 at the bottom for the lowest low possible.

But if someone ordered a D2 with 519A 2700K and 5700K, they might want to turn off both of the “ch1/ch2 only” modes and use only the blend mode. In this case, 3C would not be able to change modes because there is only one, so it would fall through and toggle the smooth/stepped ramp style instead.

7 Thanks

Whenever someone gets a SNF60 D1 or D1K could you please post Beamshots!!! Ty

Wow Hank is using these sfn emitters. They’re basically mainstream now.

We still don’t actually know who makes these, right? Presumably to avoid liability? Cool cool cool…ya i’ll take 2

IIRC it is San’an Optoelectronics makes them. They’re amazingly high output, but the SBT90.2 remains the highest intensity LED in the >4000lm category.

1 Thank

Ya I’ve heard San’an but do we actually know that? As far as I can tell the only link to San’an is someone on BLF that’s lives in china said, with no supporting evidence, these are made by San’an. And that was accepted as fact. At least that’s all I can find.

Another taobao seller claims they are manufacturer by a company called Changda, whatever that is. Im not sure what they do. Apparently they’re also sold by Yingding, and are referred to as Yingding LEDs somewhere, but we don’t think they’re the manufacturer just a reseller.

San’an seems like the most likely manufacturer, but they’re the biggest manufacturer in China with a dozen other subsidiaries, so why hide it? Why not assign it to some random subsidiary? And where’s the datasheet? They supply LEDs for Samsung and BMW, they can’t make a datasheet? And if this is supposed to be a secret, why did they name all the LEDs the same way Luminous, another San’an subsidary, names their LEDs? Isn’t that like…the exact opposite thing you would do if you didn’t want everyone to know you were making them? Like if BMW wanted to make a secret car not tied to them so they decided to call it a “BWUU M3”. That’ll trick everybody…Not exactly James Bond stuff lol.

But if I was a competitor trying to hide my identity I would name these LEDs just like this, after the luminous LEDs, just cuz it’s an easy target to throw everyone off the scent.

I could be totally wrong I havent really looked in to this too far. Maybe I’m missing something.

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I’ve found that Yinding is just a reseller, the circle-die LEDs typically attributed to them are made by a few different companies.

Changda is “Fujiang Changda Optoelectronics”, their Taobao store sells almost all of these SFS/SFP/SFQ LEDs in all the cct/voltage variants. It is possible they are the true manufacturer for them, I have talked with them to ask if they would make high-CRI versions and it sounded like it would be possible for a large-enough order.

It might be that Changda is a subsidiary of San’an that specializes in ultra-high-power LEDs like these, it’s something. San’an also owns Luminus, but they’re probably run separately.

I’ve seen a few datasheets from these Chinese-domestic LED manufacturers (Getian, Rayten aka LeiTeng) because I had been looking into it, they usually have something along the lines of “confidential” or “draft” in them and are usually in chinese with no english version publicly available (I used google lens), so they’re probably available for large-contract orders or under NDA. They might be available on the chinese-speaking side of the internet using Baidu but I haven’t gone that deep.

It would definitely be better for the flashlight community if there was more transparency from the manufacturers of these LEDs, but I wonder if they try and hide their identity because there’s patent infringement involved in the design.

My apologies to Hank for partly hijacking his thread.

2 Thanks

You mean someone else’s patent involved in the design? That’s a definite possibility. I don’t know if they need to hide that though. Its never really been a problem in the past.

Meant patent infringement, but somehow it got lost between my brain and my hands.

Just got some 519A-V1 5700K bare LEDs in stock,

3 Thanks

Hank, I have emailed you about the new emitter, and I havent heard back from you,
I now also am dealing with a D2 I just received that isnt working properly, I am using an H10 battery and the turbo disengages after a couple seconds. How do I proceed?

Pretty sure it’s a low battery issue!

But I still would like to know how the SNF60 looks and also
Will there be anymore host colors?

It’s possible that the battery voltage is sagging so far it triggers low-voltage protection.

One way to test that is to change the voltage calibration. In advanced mode, go to battcheck, then 7H for the voltage calibration menu. Neutral calibration (+0.00V) is 7 clicks, or you can calibrate it 0.05V lower or higher with each click below or above 7. So, try maybe doing 11 clicks in that menu, to calibrate it 0.20V high. Or 13 clicks for 0.30V high. Then go back to turbo and see if it lasts longer.

I don’t recommend leaving it like that, because it would make LVP activate lower than it should, and it could cause the battery to age significantly faster. However, it may at least be useful for testing if your battery is too weak to sustain turbo.

4 Thanks

I always appreciate your response but I believe I made a rookie mistake as a veteran and failed to check the battery level, it’s on the charger now, but I’m fairly certain it was just a low battery issue. Ty again for the response and I’ll check the voltage after it’s charged!

So which cct we getting this sfn in guys? I usually go as cool as I can for throwers but this is a floody thrower and apparently the 6500k ends up closer to 7000k on high. So might go for the 5500k.

Another instance where a datasheet would be helpful.

1 Thank

I got 5500k, will report back once it arrives. I think it’ll be similar to the SBT90 where it is greenish on low, and cools/whitens out with turbo. Hopefully the DUV isn’t too high, but minus-green is always a solution.

1 Thank

Lol I also got 5500k. Great minds think alike. I have all the same concerns you do. Time will tell I guess. There’s really no good beamshots of these to compare to that I could find.

The only ones I could find didn’t specify a CCT, and people measured anywhere from 5200-7200k. Found some that specified 5000k emitters. They didn’t look 5000k, bit cooler, which is maybe why Hanks lists them as 5500k now. But none looked green. So that’s good. I wonder if they even sort them into tint bins or if you just get what you get.

The worst emitter I have for the green at low currents thing is the sft70. Man that thing is green as green can be. And it’s on a boost driver too, obviously, 6v led. But unless the battery is over 4v even the boost driver can’t drive it hard enough to get the green out. Sst40 is the same way.