250 Post GAW in Memorium OLD-LUMENS

NOT in, even though one of my aspirations was and is having a real Old Lumens flashlight of my own.

His heart was here on BLF and I’d rather someone who was more contemporary with him win. I was only around near the end of his time but I will always treasure my memories of him.


I’m in and thinking of OL

I am in. I drooled at his maglite mods. It’s always beautiful. A piece of art.

I think I will steal your great idea. I’m in, and if I win, you can mail it to sb. If not for him and this forum, none of this would exist anyway.

Thats a great choice. While we all appreciate SB, I dont think he owns nearly enough flashlights. Besides, I know he would treasure such a handmade creation that was especially made to memorialize the ol grumpy warlock.

Always enjoyed OL’s posts.

While I meet the requirements for the 250 posts, I am not one “of the older members”, so I’m not in. Thanks!

Thanks for the giveaway, I’m in but if I win I would like for you to send in to someone else who never enters giveaways. Think someone who posted above has the same person in mind.

Ended. Will post winner(s) next week.

RIP Justin, you’re missed greatly

Thank you for the giveaway

I wish there’s kinda “Like” button for every thread.
You know, just to express your feeling without leaving any comment.

Special thanks to all who entered. Same goes for nominating others. First…I did the best I could with the drawing. I settled on writing down all numbers random and dropping a centering ring. Then I used a small piece of wire. I did eliminate those with less than 250 posts (had one winner). I added two/3 others.

1)Southland for SB T08 MTG2 with kiriba.ru copper pill.
2) ElectricJelly XHP50
3) Keltex78 C8 XHP70
4) Pulsar XHP70 w/ 26350s

5,6,7 MrsDNF, Pilotdog68, CRX parts and whatnot…will ask

Truthfully, I wish everyone would have won. A lot of great people here! RIP OL

Wahoo! Thanks a lot leroycp!

Oh wow. Thats cool. Thank you for putting on this give away in memory of OL. He inspired many of my first builds. I was coached along my first led reflow by watching his youtube tutorial a few times. I’ve seen all his videos. His presence around here has been missed.

Congrats to the winners!

Thanks for the giveaway and keeping Justins name alive. Congrats to the other winners.
I’ll gladly accept whatever parts you have nominated for me and build something in his memory.
Cheers all. :beer:

Wow, I can honestly say I’m shocked. My name hasn’t come up for a drawing in a long time… I’ve wanted a xh-p 70 light for a while now, nice for my first to be an OL memorial…

All Good :+1:

This is me right now…

Congratulations to all the winners. :+1:

I am in as well. Thank you for the GAW.

People live on through the life’s they touched and their thoughts, memories, and actions. Old Lumens touched a lot of lives here; long live his memory.
