26650 Batteries

Your light is claiming 5500 lumens really probable 4500-5000 lumens from other good quality lights of the same format “XHP70.2, 2-26650 batteries.” With a good power supple and ample heat sinking it could be brighter. Given internal battery resistance, voltage sag, electronics resistance, LED resistance, heat you hit a ceiling. Now it’s a good light and it’s weight will do well to keep that brightness up there. A smaller light would heat up quicker and that also reduces brightness quicker. Wurkkos TS70, Convoy L6, Sofirn TK70 and Thorfire S70 are the top tier.

QFT! What about SP70?

Haven’t played with that one. From reviews I thought it’s a larger reflector version of the TK70.

What I was attempting to ask is about the fact he maxed out his 20A power supply vs using 10A batteries. Are you saying the ceiling limits the current draw? (I have the hots for an L7 now too) Hoo boy.