3 Mode SK68 Clone at DX

Pretty sure I’ve read somewhere on the forum the 3 mode (Ultrafire?) is well regulated compared to the single modes which are unregulated, thus providing steady output until the battery dies and much longer battery life. I wonder if the same holds true for this “U-IN-FIRE” B68 3 mode @ FT

I may try one of these too, I hope it’s not gonna end up being “U-ON-FIRE”! :wink:


Can anyone confirm that the Unifire is regulated?

You mean the UinFire from fasttech?


No offense meant… but I’m confused, please provide a link to the DX SK68 AA/14500 with XML. (Cannot find any SK68 AA/14500/or clone anywhere that has an XML)

When you were saying the DX SK68 with XML is junk, I thought you were talking about this one which I believe is the same (larger 18650) body as the SK98 from fasttech (except the DX version is brown color)

I’ve been researching the SK68’s to keep on hand for gifts, just came upon this SKU201479 that was recently added on DX and thought I’d share it here. Gift boxed set includes a 14500 and charger, seems like a good gift Package.

For a gift maybe better to give them protection batteries and a charger with auto stop.

One of these, with
this, and this (All three for around $15).
Safer and they get an extra battery for back up.


I received my fastech version of this light and I would not recommend it since it has next mode memory.

Bummer. Does the DX one have this?

Not sure myself.

Yeah, a solid pill and 2 modes would do me. or 3 modes without the damned disco nonsense.

Thanks for the link, didn’t know anyone made these with XM-L, shame it’s no good (and double the price!) I always had thought a XML in one of these would have been a great improvement, maybe not for throw but just for overall amount of light.

Now I’m wondering if anyone makes one of these with XM-L that’s built better and has more output than the XR-E, but I guess then they wouldn’t be 6 bucks anymore! :slight_smile:

No I can’t say if it’s regulated or not. I just wondered if you saw a UNI-Fire version in addition to the U-IN-Fire model. but I guess you just typo’d the name. Actually Uni-Fire would have made more sense for a name than YOU_IN_FIRE! J)

PyTech, is the one you got from fasttech the UINFIRE B68 3-Mode? Do you know if it’s regulated?

Also for the “Next mode memory” is it possible that it’s (the same as my Trustfire Z8) where it goes to the next mode unless it has been off for 3 minutes? (after 3 minutes it just re-sets starting on back high). IMO next mode memory is useless and silly if it times out after a few minutes.

My Uinfire arrived yesterday from FastTech. I’m disappointed with it compared to the single mode version I have - the beam has many artifacts and taking the lens off reveils a couple of dents in the metal surrounding the LED chip. Also when you switch it on it starts on high, switchoff and on and it goes to low, off and on to strobe, but no matter how long you leave it off it remembers what it was on previously and takes you to the next mode the next time you switch it on.

On the plus side it’s nice to have a low mode when using a 14500 cell as on high it is too bright for up close use.

Look at this http://wallbuys.com/Product/Ultrafire-CREE-XML-T6-3-Mode-200lm-Zoon-LED-FlashlightBlack-1xAA-14500--6682

Are they for reals???

My understanding is that all sk68 clones with 3 modes are “next mode memory”… Please prove me wrong!

This wouldn’t provide much better light on aa? Or would a XML on aa outperform previous clones?

I have no idea ,but might get one next week Just to see what shows up at my door.