3GT: triple 120mm reflector spotlight

Oh I couldn’t tell that there is glass on there, which is a good thing.

The SIR404DP FET being 60A rated and having ~.002 Ohm resistance, at 60A it drops 0.12V and has to dissipate ~7.2W of heat! SIR178DP would drop .03V and make <1.8W heat at 60A.

I don’t know if it would result in any benefit but you could connect all four electrical pads on the MCPCBs. Maybe jumping a thinner wire over from the thick wire’s connection point on the MCPCB would be the easiest approach. Or you could use multiple sets of thinner gauge wires coming from the driver.

Consider using a 3s RC lipo pack as the power source for less resistance and more capacity. If you need a hobby charger, the SKYRC B6AC V2 is a relatively inexpensive option and doesn’t need an external power supply.

De-glassing the SST90 would result in ~5% more output and possibly a better tint. This approach is talked about here. (post #12)
If spill is a problem you could make extended shrouds to push it down range a bit but they would have to be kind of long.
You could add a separate driver and flood optics and gain a dedicated flood channel.

Those are all of the ideas that come to mind at the moment!