3rd gen Reylight Ti LANs are up on Kickstarter

This torch is perfect for camping. I have one and it's really durable.

I’ve had one a few months now, absolutely awesome light. You can’t beat the value for the money.

That’s a dang nice light. It’s probably a good thing (for my wallet) that I only now found out about it.

Has Rey sorted out his tolerances now? I mean, in former original Reylight designs there were always small design flaws and dimensions off, leading to things not fitting well, the switch not clicking well, or only working if you leave a gap, etc. Sorry for being a bit grumpy about it, but I really like the Reylight designs, but also like it to work well.

Tolerances on mine are perfect. The switch has functioned perfectly everytime I’ve pressed it.

:+1: good to hear, I may get me a Reylight at some point then.

Same here. Over on CPF, the tritium thread showing off so many custom flashlight creations (Tain is amazing) adorned with trits, I’ve long wanted one but didn’t feel comfortable shelling out $600~$1500. Even on the used market they hold their value pretty well. The Reylight Lan and Dawn are far more financially approachable.

Jos, thank you.