6000 lumens Vs 600 lumens (Solarstrom-Xeccon link)

https://youtu.be/sfGzQnOzY3c 6000 lumens Vs 600 lumens (Solarstrom-Xeccon link) . Solarstrom ebay 25$ 6000 lumens - xeccon link duo 55$ 600 lumens

Nice video. I’ll note though that the Solarstorm is probably closer to 2000lumens in real life

Thanks for the interesting video. And Welcome!

Solarstorm full light the battery life :3+ hours
Xeccon link duo full light the battery life: max 1 hours :frowning:

Thanks :slight_smile:

Um, firaatkaya, you’ve been on this site for less than 24 hours and all 8 of your posts have been about this same light, sometimes in threads where it’s not relevant. It appears 2 of those posts may have already been removed.


I’m convinced about that as I saw him linking the video in Tido’s perfect modes thread.
I instantly marked him there.

It’s cool if you’re really enthusiastic about something… just keep it in the places where it’s relevant.

It’s cool if you’re a vendor, too. BLF has places specifically for that, and we encourage vendors to be active in the community. But it’s recommended to be forthright about it; people respond badly to vendors who pretend not to be vendors.