666 the number of the... GIVEAWAY!!! ***WINNERS ANNOUNCED***

Nice products - I'm in :)

I’m In.

i am in thanks

Hi Koyotee,

I’d like to join this giveaway. My computer actually takes that kind of memory and I actually have one of those low profile sticks in it already! It is a frankenmachine, so it has a couple of different dimms :wink:

Also, that laser lens looks very interesting too, the coating is so thick that you can see the scattered wavelengths on the table! Curious if you know if it is a broad acceptance range, or a specific design wavelength.

Guess I should keep it short. Thanks for the giveaway!

Thanks!. I am in.

Winners announced, see OP! :slight_smile:

Thanks so much. Pm sent.

Congrats, bushwacked and bugi!

Thanks for the giveaway, koyotee!

Received my lens today. It’s very heavy AR coated. Thanks so much koyotee.

My pleasure :slight_smile:

Thanks Koyotee! PM sent. HVALA