900th post mini-giveaway. US only please... :(

Closed. Now, to count up all the hosts…

I counted 77 hosts in all and numbered them sequentially starting with cone’s. I used Random.org to generate a number, and the winner is


PM sent.

Wow, he won with two entries. Cool.

Thanks everyone for posting your pics. Sorry I don’t have a drop-in for everyone. Maybe for my 1000th post giveaway… :slight_smile:

Congrats twotrickpony!

Congrats Onetrickpony and thanks for the giveaway. It was fun.

Glad I stayed up late, just noticed the PM, holy crap I WON!!! Yay!

Thanks again Rojos, I’m putting the frankendropin in my minimagstein immediately when it gets here, this is awesome. What a great place with great people like you.

Thanks Gj! My wife keeps giving me high fives lol, what a good day


Thanks 18sixfifty, hopefully I can pay it forward sometime soon :slight_smile:

thx Warhawk, BLF has already been amazing to me, and I only just joined up

Lol. It’s almost like they were made for each other. :bigsmile: Too funny.

Franken-magstein! Genius!

Congrats on the win, onetrickpony!

Thanks, Raccoon!

It’s officially named!

This makes me happy. :slight_smile:

nevermind, I should read, not simply respond to a post midway though.

Congrats one trick pony.

Me too :slight_smile:

Not entering, just want to offer my support, rojos is one ot the good guys on BLF, thanks for making the offer.

Big thanks to Rojos, the Franken-dropin arrived today, and it works great in Frankenmagstein. IT’S ALIVE!!! He was also generous enough to include the credit card style tool shown in the pics!

Thanks again Rojos, you’re the man!

This is on low mode.
