A calibration comparison light for KKW

So who has the light right now anyway? Haven't seen any updates to this in a while.

Texaspyro has them right now. When he gets done with them he’ll be sending them to n10sivern most likely.

Thanks :)

Yeah, I’ve been out of town for the last couple of weeks. I am going to try and get that wonky light to not be so wonky so it can crank out some good numbers.

Hey Tex,

Any luck getting the wonk fixed?

I finally managed to get back to town! Gonna work on it this weekend…

Any luck?

What ever happened with this anyway?

I think TL blew it up?

No, I spent WAAAAAYYYY too much time trying to get the big light stable and working properly. Tried to order a new switch three times but all the places sent the wrong sized switch. So I said screw it… and sent them on to Tom last month… I think they freaked over the properly disclosed lithium battery… last Thursday the package came back to me… grrrrr… the thing is jinxed I tell you… jinxed. Will try mailing it again… grrrr… jinxed….

Oops. I thought this was the proper thing to do before sending it off, guess not then :

Is the light up to what we are trying to do TL?

The little one might be, but it has a small battery that probably has a lot more sensitivity to whatever effects. The big light is pure evil. Once you think that it has been tamed, turn your back on it, then it bites you in the ass. My ass is VERY sore.

Luckily it only bit you in the ass! :bigsmile:

Edit: PS: If we get this right, I’d be interested to be on the list to receive the light.

I’m from South Africa…

Is there any suggestions as to what we should be using then?

The Supfire F3 light was problematic to make constant, I would not go as far as calling it 'jinxed' , but its use as a calibration standard is very limited (but within say 5% it was working when I sent it off)

But at least the small light should be very usable for comparisons. It uses a regulated 700mA driver and if any 14500 IMR battery is used the output is pretty constant, close to 1%, as described post #26 of this thread.

I’d favor an good MR16 light bulb powered by a 12V power supply. It eliminates errors caused by things like batteries, switches, etc. I’ll toss one into the box when I re-send the package.

I like that idea. just one more tool in the box.

If the 12 volts varied slightly say buy half a volt either way would that change the output of the MR16?