A small outdoor beam shot comparison starring: TomE’s Turbocharged Thrunite TN31 (XML2)


Update: I measured the spill of the Shocker, King and TN31.

TN31: 35 lux
King: 54 lux
Shocker: 87 lux

The Shocker has more than double the spill brightness of the TN31, and the King has about a 54% gain on the TN31.

If you look on the white part of the pavement you can distinguish more clearly which one has a brighter spill. The bricks lie.

Oh, nice beam shots. :open_mouth:

I wonder how the BTU’s beam will look if dedomed. :~

Thanx for sharing! :slight_smile:

i just got my tn31 modded by vinh on cpf. He put a dedomed xml2 at 6.5 amps. the throw of this thing is unreral. it out throws my xseacher with dedomed xpe2 at 3 amps and that light gets about 380k so this light must be 450k plus. vinh said his friend measured it at 480k.

Great thrower! i got to open mine.

thanks for those numbers.
but actually i wasnt saying your tn31’s flood/spill was bright as the king and shocker, but i was refering to the flood/spill size.

your tn31 looks just as floody as a king and shocker, but i can tell its not as bright.

Is the beam THAT yellow in real life? That would be too much so for my taste.

Yeah the spill angle is quite large which is nice, I held all the lights in the same position to minimise any kind of variables.

It comes up that yellow on camera, but in real life your eyes adjust and it becomes a little whiter. But it is definitely more yellow than a 1C CW XML2.
With XML2/XPG2, when dedomed the tint shift is very pronounced and on camera comes up very yellow. It’s better in real life but it’s still yellow.

If you turn on a dedomed flashlight on its own, you won’t realize how ‘yellow’ it is. It normally goes warmer when dedomed and my dedomed K40 has a very similar hot spot. However it is only emphasized when I shine it together with other ‘cooler’ lights.

Below are some of my lights for comparison. The leftmost is my stock Convoy C8 T6 3C, the middle my dedomed Convoy C8 T6 3C, and the rightmost my dedomed SupBeam K40:

Thanks for the tint comparison.
From my experience, if you like NW, better start with 1A, after dedoming it will be close to 3C.

+1 That’s what I’m planning to do too. That’s why I ordered my XM-L2s in 1A, 1B or 1B tints since I’ll be dedoming them. :slight_smile:

Thanks fern Chan, I do have more pictures but they are either blurry or have different settings.
Other than those photos I don’t have any others.
But I’ll be taking a few more within the next few weeks for another post.