AA/14500 flashlight

Hi Sn95mustang!
Welcome to BLF :wink:

Well, I am one of those that can recommend the SF14 as well.
You can take a look here to how the beam looks like!

Also, WalkIntoTheLight gave a nice suggestion if you want a more floody light! Use a “filter” or DC-Fix! You can find it on sale on this thread by Boaz: DC-Fix Diffusion Film Sale .

I can also give you another suggestion. I am using some TIR pebbled lenses in two lights, and they work very well if you want some flood and less hotspot.
Here are some experiences I’ve made with some AA/14500 lights (Amutorch S3) with those lenses: "Review": Amutorch Stainless Steel XPG3-S3 AA flashlight [Modded TIR Lenses] - #65 by MascaratumB

Those TIR fit well in other lights, so if you wanna try them I can post the link for AliExpress store!

Enjoy your stay here :wink: