AC Non-Contact Electric Voltage Alert Detector?

So you’re saying I’m holding the probe against the wire wrong? I must need a master electrician to show me how it’s done. :slight_smile: I’ll have to try that static test. Could come in handy.

Funny guy :smiley: No, they’re not complex to use, but the use of them implicates playing around with live electricity. Play on! Uh, i mean be careful >)

There are a few tips or tricks to know if you use them often.

  • beware ghost voltages - you will get false “hots”
  • the sensing range scales with voltage - higher voltage, greater sensing range(distance)
  • the tip of the probe is not the most sensitive - this is especially evident when working with lower voltages(this may be different model to model, but holds true to the ones i’ve used)