Acebeam X45 review with measurements (4x XHP70, 4x 18650)

Haven’t heard from Acebeam so no plans yet.

Yes,we know.In California,first they shoot,then they ask…

Hello Maukka, thx for the review.

Can you give me the exact diameter of the thread in the bezel? I need it to mount a photographic ring.
Maybe I can mount it inside the bezel or in its place?


Unfortunately I don’t currently have the X45 in my possession.

Just measured the interior thread in the installed bezel. Is about 81.1 mm (atout cause of a plastic caliper… :person_facepalming: ).


Got the X45 cree XHP70.2. Must say it's a much better thrower when comparing to the old XHP70 and with slightly more lumens according to Acebeam. For me It doesn't look significantly brighter than the old model, but then I wouldn't expect it to - the difference between 16,500 and 18,000 lumens would not be that noticeable.With my own measurement at switch on, the throwing distance went from around 64000 candela (506M) up to 89000 candela (596M). This is almost a 100 meter further throw. The HOTSPOT is also a much better color. However there's no sign, to my eye, of the (very slight, I have to say) green cast of the older X45 XHP70 CW.

The info I got from Acebeam stated 18000 lumens and 622 max meter throw for the new XHP70.2 version.