Acebeam X70 - 40000 lm - 8*18650 - Active fan cooling

Ah 0-2


Olight, Acebeam and Imalent are 0-3 versus fan controlled output!

DX80 must have the highest failure rate of any flashlight ever sold. Doesn't inspire confidence in purchasing anything from them. I understand Vinh's logic about this.

The external fan is just something that wont hold up forever, it will eventually wear down and stop working. Its also clumsy u must be careful not drop the light or hit it by accident i mean the whole light on highest is depending the external fan works and does its job…They should have just made the head alot bigger with more heatsinks or whatever instead of that “thing”, it doesnt look that nice to hold even.

but rumors saying that they already have plans for a x70gt so perhaps better cooling this time and even more lumens ??

Seery thanks for the publish of my 2 videos from last night on the forum. :partying_face:

It could be better,if there was a R90C instead of the DX80.

How do you think will a R90C compare to the X65?

I think that it beats X65,as there are 20Klm and over 700Kcd against 12Klm and 423Kcd.I have the R90C only,so I can’t compare them.

Just looking at the specs, the R90C should have a bigger hotspot (due to smaller reflectors), 4k to 7k more lumens (brighter spill) which should extend the throw from 1300 meters to 1680 meters. So they seem pretty comparable in performance. The R90C should have the edge with longer distance plus a bigger hotspot.

Someone else can compare price, reliability, etc… I’m just going by the rated specs.

Thanks JasonWW

Was your X65 in Turbo max mode? One click for on, then double click for turbo (6000 lumens) then double click again for turbo max (12000 lumens). Sorry, in the video its hard to tell if the camera is auto focusing and if you’re already in turbo when you do the double click to intiate turbo max.

Newlumen has both. He said R90c throws farther than x65.

Just look my pictures~ :sunglasses:


more pictures~ :smiley:


Mine will be here wednesday!

Thanks for the pictures. It seems to support my earlier theory about the R90C having a little more throw combined with a bigger hotspot.

Alot of people on this forum are weary about purchasing an Imalent after the insane failuare rate of the DX80 just a few months ago.

and X9R vs X70 :wink:



BLF GT Mini vs X70 only XHP35 HI :sunglasses:
