All-American Driver Giveaway -- Winner Announced

I could use a 17mm!

in Ohio

I firmly believe that you live and learn, and if you don't learn from past mistakes, then you need to be drug out and shot.

R Lee Emery aka Gunny

3 hours left

— Closed —

Congratulations to AlexGT, and thanks to pilotdog68 for the GAW!

Wow! Thank you so much for the giveaway! I’m still at work, will PM when I get home. :party:


congrats AlexGT!

time to get to work on that thing now! any ideas what you might do?

Cool - congratulations again!

PM Replied PilotDog68 :party:

@ g22dru, Not sure yet, I am thinking in modifying a JKK13 Flashlight with it or maybe a Skyline I, or… decisions, decisions!

Congratulations, AlexGT.

Got the driver, thank you so much PilotDog68 for the giveaway! :party: :beer: