Amazon Deal Alerts & Discussion Thread

Yeah, just chillaxing right now, ain’t stressed about it. Compared to the bevy of stuff from AX with cryptic (if any) tracking info, AMZ is a B’harni-send (pbuh!).

That’s the secret to “free shipping”, methinks. With Prime, it gets shipped asap. Without, they just sit on it for a week in case you order something else they could dump into the box. Rinse, repeat.

Frankly, if it were just about 2day shipping with Prime, and not the quadrupled price but all other bundled crap like videos, etc., I’d be all over Prime like stink on a monkey, but I ain’t interested in all that… fluff.

Yep…. I am just not in a big enough rush 99.9% of the time to justify Prime. That remaining 00.1% of the time, I just suck it up & wait patiently. :wink:

Oddly enough, on these recent orders; three of them have arrived in 2 to 3 days with no Prime.

Oh yeah, a few questions for someone who might be so informed as to have an answer……

  • Recently a few of my Amazon orders were charged Tax. Is that something new??
  • If so why would it not apply to all orders??
  • Does it have something to do with where the order is fulfilled ???

Anybody know…….

Someone told me it had to do with what warehouse it is sold and shipped out from that determines if you pay sales tax on it or not. Half of my recent orders have a tax and the other half don’t. I don’t know if any of that is true, it’s just what a guy I know told me.

If the seller has a “presence” in your state, you get socked with tax.

Hoping that Amazon’s new “HQ2” or whatever, won’t stick NYers with tax across the board, else my purchases will be sharply if not completely curtailed. I get hit with tax for most FBA buys, but that’s it.

Thank you toddcshoe. :+1: That makes as much sense as anything else. Mine are the same, some Taxed…. some not. At least I now know there are others in the same boat.

Thanks Lightbringer, that makes sense too & kinda goes along with what toddcshoe said.

I’m with you…. we are TAXED enough as far as I am concerned…… :rage:

Whoops, meant the A7. Sorry about that.

Thanks for the VG15S link, todd. I’d pick one up if I didn’t already have one (got it for $16 on Amazon before prices went up/20% coupons died on all their ThorFires). Great light with a nice feel in the hand, I use it indoors during daytime (when I need a single 18650 with a neutral white emitter).

Supreme Court decision allows states to charge sales tax without presence in state. I think, anyway.

Yup: Dissecting Supreme Court's Internet Sales Tax Decision

:person_facepalming: … Their gonna get our $$$ one way or the other…… :frowning:

Yup, death and taxes. They could of removed sales taxes form all sales to level the playing field but we all know that is not going to happen.

What those idiot pollies are braying about are that online stores have an “unfair advantage” as far as (not) charging tax, hence everyone should have to charge tax.

Like it never dawned on them that maybe they should lower or eliminate taxes on b&m stores?

Nope, never dawned on them. It’s so much easier to destroy, to drag down all stores to have to charge tax, rather than build, ie, let b&m stores not have to charge as much sales tax.

And typical class-warfare / division tactics. Crow about someone [gasp!] having an “unfair advantage” to get people riled up. It’s the drowning-man syndrome. If you’re drowning, and the other guy isn’t, get that one more gasp for air by holding his head underwater…


I don’t mind paying my fair share if it is not spent on BS. Like giving away the house to Amazon to build in their area or building sports stadiums for rich owners. That is an unfair tax advantage to major players that they don’t need. Ah, I digress.

So true, soooo true!!! :+1::frowning:

The reason there was no sales tax before according to what I know, was to make the playing field even. When you buy stuff online there’s shipping charges someone has to pay, which cost more than the state sells tax. So it gave online stores a opportunity to compete with B&M stores.
Sounds like some big B&M stores are pushing the Gov to bring their profits up. If you can drive to a store or stop on the way home and get it cheaper than online because of the sales tax, how will the online sales go.
I buy a lot of stuff online because it’s cheaper and not just flashlight related stuff. Right now that saved money stays in my pocket but who’s pocket will it be in if they start charging sales tax across the board. I just bought 4 tires on amazon and sales tax alone was $25.16. Didn’t really save much once they added in the sale tax.

I think B&M expenses have outpaced online sales expenses. Big box hurt mom and pop and now online is sinking B&M. More efficient and larger volume. At least for smaller purchases where shipping is not too expensive.

I think you are right, but someone is pushing for this tax
I think it’s the bigger stores with lots of money to throw at, for bigger profits in the long run. You eliminate all the smaller fish and the whole pond is yours to swim in. It’s hard for the small fish to compete with huge bulk order discounts the big fish get.
Just my two cents :wink:

Yes and no.
The real winner is the people getting the sales tax, That would be your State government.
Will they make your roads better? Give you a rebate on your state income taxes?
Probably not.
It will go in the “General Fund” to be spent on something stupid that benefits the senators brother in law’s business who in kind will kick back the senator and his family under the table. Or something like that.

They use the ruse of helping the B&M to get the tax scam passed but wanted this money all along. The state gov’t gives none of these newfound tax gifts to the
Mom and Pops or the big B&M. They just keep it it.
Which begs another question, where does all the Tariff money go?

Here in PA we are now taxed on all Amazon but epay is still up to the seller, so if an item is less or the same money on epay, they will get my business if the ship time is reasonable.
Once you get hooked on Prime, all other options pale.
It is just another cost on our backs not unlike the extra 10 cent gas tax PA nailed us with last year.
Really wish I lived near the borders of Maryland and Delaware.
Delaware is the land of no sales tax.
Went trough Ohio in Sept. and gas was 30 cents cheaper than PA just over the border. Amazing.



$.30 cent gas tax over 3 years and the roads still suck in Pa. Pa does’t completely repave most roads around here, only grinds out 3 foot swaths and repaves that . Roads look like a quilt all patched up.

As far as sales tax on internet sales in Pa., I guess no one voluntarily sent in use tax at tax time.

I get the feeling places like AX, GB, etc., wouldn’t be affected at all, so I’d be doing a lot more shopping there.

Tires for… a golf cart?

Good God, I’d be paying that in tax per tire