Wellp, say what you will about the ’Zon, but they deserve a lot of kudos when warranted.
I ordered a brake-hone to bore out a light that was a little too snug for the cell I wanted to stick in there. The listings were screwed up. Listing for the small unit were actually for the big’un, and v/v.
So I ordered the small one, got the big honkin’ one instead. I could’ve just as easily returned the wrong one, ordered the right one, but would need to wait to order something else to make the minimum shipping. So I did what any red-blooded Murrcan would do, and contacted their CS to grex about it, nicely.
In the end, I was told to keep the wrong one, don’t bother to send it back, got the right one with the price-difference credited to me, and got 10bux “courtesy credit” on any FBA stuff for my inconvenience.
Pays to grex!
And just recently, something similar. I ordered a bunch of those laundry soaps at 88¢ each, and that got the 10bux applied to them. But that also included coffee I ordered. Snafu on its delivery, marked “canceled”(!!), because “refused by customer, package damaged”. Wtf?? I was Right There, and no one rang any bell, and I sure as Hell didn’t refuse anything. So again, I called to grex. Didn’t want to have to order 35 of ’em to make the minimum, etc., can’t I just get what I wanted, and not lose the credit?
A little nice grexing, and sure enough, the original order was restored, and they sent me the soaps literally next-day via LaserShip. Didn’t have to reorder, make any minimum, chance the sale expiring, or lose the 10buk credit.
Squeaky wheel…