AMAZON....NOW I TRULY understand why Jeff Bezos has.....

I ended up taking a more subtle approach and going with the Challenger 2:

No joke. My kids are still young enough that cruising around on such a fine vessel as the Challenger 2 is every bit as thrilling if not more so than an eye-popping marvel like the Flying Fox. They were bouncing off the gunwales with excitement.

I’m glad you and the kids had a great voyage. Must of been absolutely memorable and simultaneously put the Flying Fox in it’s over done frivolous place.

I gotta say this though. I met a pretty gal long ago that had this ahem “fantasy” about being in such an inflatable paddling about on a full moon summer’s night on a secluded pond. I gentlemanly arranged that her wishes came true.

In no uncertain face to face terms I really found out she wasn’t kidding. :open_mouth:

I christened her The Inflatable Fantasy.

Ahhhhh. Those distant days of sweet innocent unbridled youth. :laughing: :beer:

JB is getting a newer yacht. It needs a supply yacht to support this new yacht. Apparently the Flying Fox didn’t cut the Grey Poopon.


PS. I bought more from Amazon this month. I may have broke a personal record. So yeah I helped with his new yacht. That’s what friends do for their friends.

Wellp, say what you will about the ’Zon, but they deserve a lot of kudos when warranted.

I ordered a brake-hone to bore out a light that was a little too snug for the cell I wanted to stick in there. The listings were screwed up. Listing for the small unit were actually for the big’un, and v/v.

So I ordered the small one, got the big honkin’ one instead. I could’ve just as easily returned the wrong one, ordered the right one, but would need to wait to order something else to make the minimum shipping. So I did what any red-blooded Murrcan would do, and contacted their CS to grex about it, nicely.

In the end, I was told to keep the wrong one, don’t bother to send it back, got the right one with the price-difference credited to me, and got 10bux “courtesy credit” on any FBA stuff for my inconvenience.

Pays to grex!

And just recently, something similar. I ordered a bunch of those laundry soaps at 88¢ each, and that got the 10bux applied to them. But that also included coffee I ordered. Snafu on its delivery, marked “canceled”(!!), because “refused by customer, package damaged”. Wtf?? I was Right There, and no one rang any bell, and I sure as Hell didn’t refuse anything. So again, I called to grex. Didn’t want to have to order 35 of ’em to make the minimum, etc., can’t I just get what I wanted, and not lose the credit?

A little nice grexing, and sure enough, the original order was restored, and they sent me the soaps literally next-day via LaserShip. Didn’t have to reorder, make any minimum, chance the sale expiring, or lose the 10buk credit.

Squeaky wheel…

Amazon was great but now they are ‘representing’ a lot of Chinese dealers with weird names.
shenzhenshi luzheng maoyi youxian gongsi
(These names may mean something in Chinese ? )

Amazon seems to be trying to rival Aliexpress. I have stopped buying anything on Amazon when its
Shipped from ‘weird name’
Sold by ‘weird name’
and the delivery time is 30-50 days with free shipping. Sounds a lot like buying from an AE store.

When you go to the dealer’s storefront there are often over 10000 products but no way of searching.

All that you guys say I agree. Butt ya know IMHO The Zon better keep it’s eyes on Walmart cuz The Mart lately has been going toe to toe with The Big Zon on more and more stuff. Some of this stuff is greatly cheaper if you take the time to search.

The deal with Walmart is that not only are they offering free shipping butt the convenience (sort of I know) is being able to return/exchange a shipped item at any store.

Anywhoo competition between these 2 giant mega-yacht enablers helps keep them honester one hopes to the consumer’s ultimate benefit. Monopolies aren’t consumer friendly and The Zon is getting too much oversight attention there to prevent that from happening. Overreaching oversight likely moreso politically inspired.

So The Mart is actually helping The Zon take the focus off them a bit in that aspect by getting more Zonny themselves.

PS. I’ll work cleaning Boaz Diffusers on the Support Yacht as long as I’m the only male in a female crew. :laughing: :beer:

Money can’t buy “Happiness
That’s true, somebody already owns it.
It’s in berth 51a at Monaco.
But I can buy a 250 ft. yacht called the “Next Best Thing
And pull up right next to it.

As I recall Amazon was working at a loss for the first few years.
Then all profits were put back into the company.
Must have been scary poring money into a concept.

All the Best,

Over the years I’ve helped the original owners/investors at Costgo (Cashgo) assumably get their berths in Monaco too. I’ve bought way too many lights there so they’ve in a sense reciprocated my generosity and growth as a flashnut.

AliExpress is sorta becoming my go to place for cheap wide variety and yet decent quality if one’s careful. I’ve made mistakes not digging around over there for the better deals. If ya latch onto a good reliable vendor it can be worthwhile. I say get ’em while ya still can. The burgeoning animosity between the USA and China is one helluva wild card these days. I gotta run. Just got texted right on schedule that, “Dinner is ready.” :laughing: :beer:

127 meter (417’) sailing yacht. :open_mouth:

For comparison, USS Constitution is 63 meters (207’) at the deck (or 93m / 304’ from the tip of the bowsprit to the end of the mizzen boom.

It’s gonna need A LOT of LEDs if the Flying Fox’s hull was any indication. I wonder how long the “support yacht” will end up being? I think the support yacht is mainly gonna be used for when JB and the Main Squeeze wanna get away from the hustle and bustle of the 417 footer. Ya know privacy and a slower pace of life. :open_mouth:

I bet it won’t be a sailing yacht either. I bet it’ll haul butt with mega turbo all-electric screws plus it has its own helipad to boot when that doesn’t cut it.

I don’t think he has to worry about getting paparrazied too much either.

I like the way he thinks. :money_mouth_face: :laughing: :beer:

PS. Media increasing consensus is that JB never stepped foot on the Flying Fox. Well he’s gonna step foot into the new one fer sure it appears. Excuse me, the two new ones. :person_facepalming: :+1:

PSS. “For the man who has everything you just get more of everything.”

PSSS. Sh*t. I may have just come up wth an original quote if Google is any indication. I hope JB reads BLF and runs with it and makes a fortune. :laughing:

I get Showboat International magazine. They featured the Flying Fox a few months back. The magazine indicated it was built for charter purposes.

Yacht support boats are for carrying the toys and extra staff there isn’t room for on the yacht itself. 417 feet isn’t a lot of room, you know. They also do things like pre-positioning your fun. When your yacht reaches that exotic, exclusive island you hired access to for the day, you don’t want to have to wait for your tender to be launched and brunch to be prepared on the beach, right?

And what about when you reach your next city destination? You don’t want your friends to see you getting into a leased Lamborghini to go out for dinner. If you were smart, you had your own Lamborghini brought along on the yacht support boat.

Here’s an example:

Didn’t know this titbit. I’m sure having the panache of the support yacht helps even more so that frequent titbits happen. :laughing: :open_mouth:

PS. That Damen support yacht video almost requires the suspension of disbelief. :open_mouth: :person_facepalming: :money_mouth_face: :person_with_crown: :laughing:

Again if anyone missed iamlucky13’s…….

Here’s an example:

Heh-heh, “titbits”… :laughing:

For me Amazon is expensive, in the UK it costs £80 ($112) a year. Also the prices go up and down. If I post a ps4 game for £10 within minutes the price may go up to £12.35. It’s also not 1 day delivery.

As I only have Prime when it’s a free trial. Non prime delivery prices cost £2.99 per game or free if the order is worth more than £20.

The suspense is almost killing me. I’ve really been helping Jeff lately on making it happen.

$$$$$$$$. :person_facepalming:

He has such a nice shiny head.

Support Yachts: for when Too Much is Not Enough