An Apology

anyone can shoot off their mouth, it takes a real man to step up and acknowledge the error. carry on!

I have/had mild depresssion and panic disorder. Apart from medications this helps tremendously.

I read your post Phil and thought it came from a place of care not spite. That said, as nqcken said, “it takes a real man” to make due as you did (even as many here think that you didn’t have to). My hat’s tipped for you sir :face_with_monocle:

As for me, it’s refreshing to be part of such a supportive community.

Keep fighting the good fight

+1 well said hope u get better mate?

Hang in there Phil!

I can only imagine what was the original message about, but as you said you suffer from major depression I can relate. Dude, don’t feel sorry for putting your feelings out there. I’m a new relatively new member to this community but will always wish well for those in trouble. Speak your feelings, write them, delete it afterward if you like, just don’t let it accumulate because that only triggers what depression does best, which is make you feel like you are doing something wrong when you have done nothing at all.