And yet this still doesn't light my fire

If it could only lite up a stogie I might’ve put it on my Santa want list. For the flashaholic man that doesn’t have everything and never will.

Close but no cigar. :smiley:

However if anyone wants to donate one for their 1,000th post I’ll sign up. :open_mouth:\_trksid=p2054897.l4275

Sheesh! :Sp Deliberate ugliness contestant?

and the person who has munny to burn to prove it. :bigsmile:

Plus, it’s a rip off of a custom light. God knows why they would bother.

Our resident MrsDNF or other similarly talented individual could make something very close to this pronto me thinks out of 6061 or 7075. The real question is, would flashaholics in volume buy it considering it appears most seem not to like the design to begin with!

I guess what I’m getting at is considering all the myriad of flashlight choices we have nowadays in comparison to this design what’s the unique attraction other than maybe a unique-looking collectible added to the collection?

Oh wait, I know. Obviously it looks like a typical jet-lighter but without the jet. Hmmmmm. Come to think of it, I don’t even own one of those pink piggy lights. Every torch I gots well looks a lot more like a flashlight than something else. Well at least to me they do. Non- flashoholics would probably look at some of my lights like a Sipik68 and might think it’s a pepper sprayer at first.
