Anduril 2 feature change suggestions

Ah, ignore what I said then. But yeah, Docker and WSL2 do work well together, I tend to use WSL as a general terminal environment fairly equally with cygwin (another Linux-like system for Windows) and WSL. Just that pulling the docker image is a lot more convenient than installing the AVR build toolset manually first.

I was trying to say that I’m clueless about “method B” ,
I’m OK with “method A” (I’ve got quite a few hex files using that method, reflashing my SC21 Pro multiple times to try the result of the edited cfg-.h files).

So, for my next “experiment” I’m gonna uninstall Docker Desktop.
My laptop will then be without Docker Desktop.
Then try “method B”, do you think it’s gonna work?

1 Thank

@jon_slider , I’m sorry if I’ve made too much clutter in your thread, it’s my rookie habit I guess :grin:
You’ve started a good discussion, thank you so much. and
thanks so much to everyone who have given their explanations about Anduril, cfg-.h files, compiling hex files etc etc…
Thanks ToyKeeper, @gchart, @SammysHP, @wolfgirl42, thefreeman, @elendur

I’ve learned a lot from this thread,
EDC flashlights have become more and more fun and meaningful to me

no worries at all
I admire your enthusiasm and applaud your efforts.
carry on :wink:

2 Thanks

Rather refreshing for me to see both of you here, same reason! Nice to see I’m not the only fabricator flashlight nut… OR only computer geek with a welder. :smiley:

I can stick wonderfully(most of the time lol), flux core MIG(auto body stuff), Some MIG and have done TIG; I suck at that… which is amazing since its just electric torch welding and I’m not bad with a oxy/acyt rig… but I digress.

Once upon a time I could do C+ like my TIG… lol. I can kinda read it now, but can’t write it. Hoping to pick it up more this time around, maybe as good as my rough MIG… :wink:

Think you’re having a hard time, try getting either any of this to run on windows 8.1!! Not as old as @jon_slider s Mac, but not much friendlier to this software.

I almost have Docker working… Almost. It requires a BIOS setting to be right, but won’t believe what my BIOS tells it… Ugh.

I might try method B this weekend but I’m not hopeful.

2 Thanks

I can just about get two pieces of metal to stick together, but I’ve only ever tried it like twice and don’t have one at home. Just heard and liked that as an analogy about learning the harder thing first and then the easier. C was one of my first proper languages (HTML/JS don’t count) too.

3 Thanks

I like this place b/c there’s lots of people here that like to build / create stuff…they just use different tools. I’m always amazed at how something extremely complicated/ difficult can look so easy in some people’s hands- even more so at the ones who can teach it to you in a way that you can uderstand. That said, I’m not sure I’m ever going to learn programming like someone such as yourself who’s obviously whos been doing it for a long time.

Probably best I stick with what I’m good at…metal.
Though the Stick welding I learned as a kid on the farm progressed on to tig and mig in high school then a number of jobs at fab shops,I always said I didn’t want to be a welder for a living.

Well, It’s turned from my fallback profession to building tig welded Stainless and Titanium race car/ bike exhaust systems/ suspension components, stuff that’s actually fun and has kept my interest for the last 10 years. One of these days I’ll build something I can actually keep :smiley:

4 Thanks

Some of my builds have failed because of my stupid mistake of removing the
// ATTINY: 1616 line when making changes to the cfg-.h file.

LOL :grin:

I was thinking “this is a commented line, I don’t need it, let’s get rid of it”.
It took me a few failed tries and me trying to wrap my head around the error message…

Error message :

What? attiny85? we’re not doing any business with the 85! I’m not telling you to build a hex for the 85!
what the hex!
I then proceeded to read the and files.

So, and require us to specify the MCU type, that’s what the
// ATTINY: 1616 line in the cfg-.h file is for.
If we don’t specify that, it’ll be assumed that we’re building for attiny85.

At least that’s what my understanding.
I then put the
// ATTINY: 1616 line back into the cfg-.h file.
And the builds have always been great. No more error message whatsoever.

Yup, that’s me fiddling with cfg-.h file and butchering the codes :grin:

Edit: I’m learning to do some formatting here and there

2 Thanks

Fastest way to learn is to break stuff :wink:

3 Thanks

yup, our mistake usually becomes our strongest reminder,
much stronger than advice/warning from other people

I use to teardown and rebuild hydraulic components, and sometime diesel engines.

Programming/code or whatever it’s formally called is like “a highly anvanced civilization’s TIG welding method, from faraway galaxy” to me.

This is to build hex files for my anduril2 lights. SC21 Pro, TS10, SP10 Pro.
I’ve been doing experiments (flashing the readily available hex files, build my custom hex files) mainly with my SC21 Pro, it’s my #1 favorite among the bunch.


Hex files from ToyKeeper :

TS10 has got a very very very new hex file:

For SP10 Pro :

SC21 Pro :
not available

SC21 Pro hex file from gchart :


Thanks @gchart :+1:

With the latest hex file from @toykeeper, my TS10 has got Tactical Mode that I like very very much!
Thanks @toykeeper :+1:
Now my SC21 Pro has got Tactical Mode as well, and some other changes.

I build my hex files with ToyKeeper’s anduril2 branch :

~toykeeper/flashlight-firmware/anduril2 : / (Revision 657)

I learn a lot from @wolfgirl42 about making changes to the cfg-.h file

SiteRelEnby / anduril2

modded anduril2

Thanks wolfgirl42 :+1:

2 Thanks

Now, one feature that I haven’t been able to figure out is “Fireworks Mode”.
Can I simply add:

to my cfg.h file? And Fireworks Mode will be available? I guess not?
Because Fireworks Mode is under this list:

Can I use anduril2 branch other than yours (I’m using toykeeper’s - Revision 657) and somehow someway add the Fireworks Mode feature?
I was looking for something like “firework-mode.h” file and I couldn’t find any.
I thought it’s like the Strobe Mode feature with strobe-mode.h.

With the previous troubles/challenges/hurdles --which were a lot-- I’ve been able to dig around and around and finding the solutions.
One of the first and biggest challenges was reflashing, which I drew inspiration and motivation from @jon_slider . Thanks @jon_slider :+1:

But Fireworks Mode feature is definitely way out of my league :pensive:

I don’t even know what Fireworks Mode is like, I’ve never seen a light with it. But it sounds cool.
Tactical Mode sounds cool and it makes TS10 greater, hence I modded cfg.h files for my other lights to give them the TactiCOOL Mode.
I want Fireworks Mode.

1 Thank

Fireworks mode is from here - I may port some of those changes over but I’ve got other ones I’m still working on for now.

2 Thanks


it’s so COOL, especially with diffuser. Now I much prefer Fireworks than Candle :grin:

Thanks so much @wolfgirl42
and @starryalley

I copied the FIREWORK_MODE parts to the regular strobe-modes.h and strobe-modes.c files.
and added
to the cfg-sofirn-sc21-pro.h file,
build succeeded, reflash completed successfully.

I don’t have much luck with method B.
WSL2 Ubuntu 22.04 kinda works but some builds have failed.

following @ToyKeeper’s + @elendur’s guidance that @elendur has shared here

53 builds succeeded, 10 failed.

Those 10 are the t1616’s.

error message :

You have to read the /README … There you find instructions, what to do (as far as I remember, you have to download something and do a “source (path)” before the build).
My memory was wrong … see here

2 Thanks

from the README :

I put the unzipped pack (“Atmel.ATtiny_DFP.2.0.368” directory) in the “anduril2” directory.
but then I don’t know how to do this part :

I try and added this line:

to the bin/ file, but support for t1616 still not working.

1 Thank

If no one other will answer this in between, I’ll take a look into my installation… But it will take a few hours, since I’m at work currently :unamused:

1 Thank

Maybe there is the “Set” missing?

2 Thanks