Anduril Flashlight Reflash Reference (UPDATED FOR 2024)

You could “simply” install a virtual machine on an Android phone running Linux with Docker and then use the Anduril buildenv image. But it is easier to run the image in the cloud, it’s not that expensive for the short time it’s running.

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Docker for Android! Is that a thing? I went out to check and it seems there’s indeed a Docker package for Termux, the well-known Linux environment for Android, and setting it up is possible if not exactly easy: [Root] Running Docker containers and Flatpak apps on Android phone with Termux · Ivon's Blog

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Thanks for the clarification and the very complete reply! Lots of info to absorb!

I hope this is the right place. If not, I am sorry.
Fireflies E07 2020 with 2022 driver. Firmware is 2022-07-04-0461
I don’t find 0461 model in any list. An help is appreciate

[ATSIGN]loneoceans ?

EDIT: this light doesn’t use a Lume driver, so I’ve editted the tag above to avoid summoning someone unnecessarily.

Just checked and he hasn’t logged in since early last year, not likely he’s going to log in again to give you a response any time soon.

So I went out to check and found his source tree on GitHub, but its MODELS file lists a different model number for your flashlight:

0442	ff-e07

Are you sure you’re decoding them blinks right? No offense meant, but perhaps you could double-check?

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Don’t worry, i am not offended :smiley: …i checked twice and the second time I check blink with number wrote on paper

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Oh my, then I’m fresh out of ideas.

If indeed he doesn’t come a-looking, and our good ladies @wolfgirl42 and @ToyKeeper don’t know the answer, I’d say your best bet would be to open an issue at the GitHub repo I posted above and see if he will answer it there.

I’m standing back but standing by, if I can be of further help just tag me.

EDIT: Not a Lume driver, so it’s no use opening an issue at its repo, just crossed that out above.

The E07 uses a FET+7135 driver, not lume(F07X), so Loneoceans wouldn’t know more about it.

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Thanks for setting me straight. Perchance you know who could know or where to find a source tree for the plain E07?

Yeah, no 0461 in any of the branches I have or on the linked github… *mutter mutter GPL…*

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(sigh) I can’t really understand WTF goes through the head of someone who takes free wonderful code like Anduril, uses it in their own products, and then can’t be bothered to contribute it back to TK or at least put it up somewhere for download for interested parties.

Apart from being simply immoral hoarding the code, it’s just plain illegal and they are risking prosecution.

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My 2020-model E07 and PL47G2 have that exact firmware, I suspect it is different driver hardware than that of the original E07 (0442) and original PL47G2.

When I asked Ivy about it, I was told that was the newest driver version for the hardware, and didn’t give the HWID for building a hex for it either, so its almost definitely not following the license. Either way, it’s china, they pretty much don’t care about foreign copyright/licensing stuff so I doubt much will happen.

Yes, I know driver of the last E07 2021 (the last and new one) is not the same. The problem is find last firmware because the PL47G2 firmare is old and I think is not work well

It’s not only a code problem. For example if you see Lume1 aux board (for FW3A), Loneoceans suggest particular resistors for LEDs but the Lumintop choose other value. And I think they are wrong because the mix color sucks.

The lights use a T85 MCU, the drivers can’t fit the latest full anduril revision, so even then it would need to be stripped down to make it fit. If you also have a PL47G2 and want to put a newer version, you can modify a usbASP to read it off the E07 and write it to the PL47G2 (make sure to back it up first).

I don’t have the knowledge or skill to make my own code, but someone else might be able to. They still have pretty much all the features of the newest anduril revision that fits.

I am like you. I test finish firmware hex and I don’t mode the code. The firmware I think is the last because works all really well like the last of ToyKeeper firmware.

I am in trouble…
D4v2 TI 219b 9A without Fet - Intall last firmware. anduril.2023-05-30.emisar-d4v2.hex

Android phone, zflasher, usbasp… operation completed successfully

After insert battery, there is one long RED blink for maybe 3 seconds and then aux in low with all color (like a new istallation firmware). Press a button and NOTHING happened.
Any suggestion?

Likely wrong firmware. You mentioned “without Fet” but firmware doesn’t have -nofet in the filename.

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If you are using a linear driver (9A), you want KR4-noFET.

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