Anduril on the Wurkkos HD15R?

So, I just noticed this pic in @zeroair’s excellent review:

Looks like there are 3 flashing pads right there in the head, right next to the spring.

I know it doesn’t come with Anduril from factory, and also that this light isn’t listed on the Anduril MODELS file (so it isn’t supported, at least not officially), but I’ve been wondering:

  1. Are these indeed flashing pads?
  2. If yes, is the MCU Anduril-supported (ie, ATTiny or equivalent)?
  3. If yes, are these flashing pads compatible with @gchart’s layout (ie, same spacing and in R/-/+ order)?

If the answer to all above are yes, I would seriously consider buying one and trying to port Anduril to it.

EDIT: tagging @wurkkos_terry, in case he can find out about that for us.

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I have an HD15R, and while I haven’t taken it apart I can answer that they are not the gchart pads (ts10 style)

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In what way? I can see from the pic that they are not co-linear (that is, the middle one is a little off the line that connects the other two), but I was expecting to be able to make contact with all three just the same… do they also have different spacing, or something else?

They are much bigger, for a start. The spacing matches up with the pins of a dupont headerr though.

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Good info, I have Dupont headers here so it shoudn’t be too hard to rig something up.
So #3 is resolved, now I only need to know #1 and #2

BTW, googling around I found this: Anduril Flashlight Reflash Reference - #28 by joechina
And this: Anduril Flashlight Reflash Reference - #30 by ToyKeeper

Not sure if @joechina or anyone else ever tried @ToyKeeper’s suggestion to try and connect the pads to UPDI, so my questions still stand…

I’m pretty sure they are indeed pads to the MCU, but I don’t think it’s anduril-compatible. Probably uses a Sonix MCU.

Someone out there has posted teardown pics of a HD15 but it was a while ago. I think it was on reddit.

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Oh man. For all of $0.05 difference (I checked and that’s how much an AT1616 costs over a Sonix)… :expressionless:

I searched and found a few teardown pics, but none of them shows the MCU… :-/

hey it’s still a probably until we find out for sure for sure. I’m looking for driver pics and info too. i wanna know too!

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Hi @Cloudedpupil,
I don’t have and HD15R to check.

But you can also ask on Reddit in the flashlight section or another FL forum.

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Thanks for the clarification.

But you can also ask on Reddit in the flashlight section or another FL forum.

I was hoping to keep the discussion here in BLF as it’s my preferred haunt for everything flashlight-related (and I’ve been avoiding Reddit specially) but thanks for the suggestion – if no one else here chimes in, I might as well do that.

@Wurkkos_Terry, sorry to be a pest but could you please try and give us the official word on that? More specifically, (1) which MCU is used on the Wurkkos HD15R (eg, Sonix, AT1616, etc), and (2) can these 3 pads visible inside the head be used to flash new firmware on it? TIA!

Got it! Let me answer the two question.

  1. The 3 copper pads could only be used on circuit stability test, and can’t be used on firmware upgrade.
  2. The HD15R equipped with the MCU named FMD
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Thanks Terry for the great service as per your usual!

Well everyone, I think that’s a hard no on my original idea, then :expressionless:

sad. but it’s ok. maybe hd15r v2 will have anduril driver 1616 and just so happen to be swapable with hd15r v1. and wurrkos will sell the driver separate. that would be wonderful

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+1 to that. An Anduril HD15R with at1616 and easily accessible flashing pads would be an instant buy for me, and I bet many current owners with your modding ability (or able to procure someone with it) would be more than willing to buy the driver and do the replacement.

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