ANDURIL used in higher end lights

Sofirn SP10 Pro runs on NiMh

output on NiMh:

interested if it also costs $18

is it out yet, when is it avail?

Am I the only one who thinks these fancy user interfaces only work when one is using the dominant hand and the dominant finger? Now to be perfectly honest, I do not have a real Anduril on any of my light but an imitation of it. However, the concept is still the same.

For example, take Wurkkos WK30 light. It is next to impossible to get red emitter or UV emitter to work if the light is in my left hand. I then tried to use my right (dominant) hand to do the same but used different (than the usual/normal) finger to do the 2-click or 3-click as necessary. It only resulted in blinding myself because the light went in to full white blast as the MCU behind the switch interpreted those clicks much differently than my intention.

I am assuming there will be similar issues even with real Anduril firmware.


post here:

I don't have any issues with getting accurate UI switch responses when using my non-dominant hand on any of my Andúril lights.

The problems your having are less likely the result of your flashlight's UI firmware than it is with either the physical pressure and/or placement input applied by your finger/thumb, or the mechanical/electrical intricacies of your flashlight's switch.

It's not the fault of the UI, it's your brain. :-]

Luckily your brain was delivered with an upgradeable firmware, i.e. you can adapt and learn new things - including using a complex flashlight UI with your non-dominant hand. ;-)

Try using your flashlight exclusively with your non-dominant hand for a month - you will get a lot better.

One of month of training to use the flashlight! I like that solution.

I like how you left out all the important parts of the argument.

About everyone is slower with their non-dominant hand so it's kind of natural that you won't be as good/quick until, well, you do some training.

Anduril has rather "short timings", so you need to click quickly and precisely.

I’m sure this has been mentioned elsewhere and previously, and I realise there are many technical issues. What I reckon would be really cool would be USB or ideally (but with even more issues) Bluetooth configuration. Essentially flashlight runs in similar to simple mode, but plug in or link via phone and set all the advanced things you want without having to resort to complex flow diagrams or custom compile options.

It would add to the cost, I don’t know if any aTiny chips are really up to this, but it would be really cool linked to an app on your phone to set all the advanced options. Sliders to set step/ramp levels etc etc. Rgb pickers for aux etc.

Just as well dreams are free!

That is already done by a company called Knog who have an app called ModeMaker which uploads modes via USB.