Another Scaru Giveaway-6000 Posts

Count me in, thanks!

Forgot about him, I've seen some of his work in the past. Adding you to the double entry list now.

Scaru, you may want to approach our young handyman Diyau from down under who made a DIY Wooden LED Torch Build and looking forward to a heatsink challenge cos he has a lathe:

OR Bob-Ninja another modder just up north from you who is looking to add a heat sink component in his :

Woo hoo! Now, if I just had some of Scaru’s Super Secret Love Luck Potion…

Please, count me in!
thanks, scaru!

Added to the double entry list.

Count me in.

Me- I’ll make your heatsink

something of that sort

Count me in, thanks.

Count me in…

The machinist i know are all in italy… i’m pretty sure it’s not an economic solution… sorry…

I’m in, thanks for the giveaway. Most any machine shop should be able to cut threads, probably one in your town.

Congrats on 6K, I don’t know any machinist apart from the ones on here.

Thanks for the giveaway!

I can vouch for Eudaimonium as he’s a top notch machinists over at LPF who specializes with heatsinks for laser builds.


Count me in and contact ChicagoX for that heatsink. He does custom work for folks here. ;)

Congrats on hitting 6000! You rocketed up in the last 6 months and blew right past me! :)

I’m in, thanks for the giveaway.

Count me in

Maybe willie can make you a heatsink.

im in, may be i can win this host that should be mine in the first place scaru


Count me in Scaru! Thanks!


Oh ok, I'm thscammer for not giving you everything after you refused to give me the heatsink. F*ck off, I'm not giving it to you. While you're at it give all the people on LPF the stuff they ordered.


I have an extra entry :smiley:

Let me win, let me win, let me win :smiley: