Any info on Sinkpad vs Noctigon perfomance?


I've never seen a problem with soldering leds to Sinkpads versus Noctigons. More gap between the led and the mcpcb? Yes, but it's mimimal and solder does fill it in. Try using a little more paste. Works fine. When I reflow a led, I put enough paste and flux that I can squeeze out a little when I press down on the led, as the solder cools. The excess is easily cleaned off and the area has been filled with solder. Even with high amperage being put into them, I have never seen an issue between the two, except for the small traces on the Sinkpad. Noctigon is my preference, for only that reason.

You are cheater, picture you posted shows haswell laptop cpu`s.
TDP of toppers one - 65W. 65w/250mm2=0.26w/mm2
But this calculations aren’t comparable defenetly. CPU brings heat up (not down to pcb) and material (ceramics?) between parts and copper plate is much better than solder paste.
CPU is also not a heater, TDP shows inlet electrical power.
XP-L have less than 35% efficincy at 3A (10.1W).
3.5 times more.

Once again: this light engine have 30W on 20mm non-direct thermal aluminium PCB: Redirecting...
Temperature difference between this and same leds with same current on good dtp copper board - several degrees (5-8). Not sure you can feel difference between 80 and 85 degrees C.
Using thick layer of colder paste may give bubbles inside it. If you don`t see and can`t measure difference between noctigon and sinkpad-II, you can use non-dtp boards, aluminium ones and etc.

Hey KBr, chill out. Please don’t get argumentative and accusatory. It’s the only internet not a high school debate.

Well my cpu is in a tower so it is on its side, heat flow is horizontal, when I use my flashlight it is horizontal (unless I am hunting zombie vampire bats) so again the heat flow is horizontal :stuck_out_tongue:
As far as a carbon material to copper pressure interface being better than a soldered joint, no comment is needed :person_facepalming:

Cheers David

I personally prefer Noctigon too. Their product is much more universal in size, no need to worry about thickness or trimming it to get them fit. However, order delivery time from IOS can be quite inconsistent these days.

What about JAXMAN mcpcb? They claimed that their is DTP and it cost less to ship.

Tower cpu, smth new :person_facepalming:
It doesn’t matter what type of case do you have.
If surface mount device have contacts on one side and heat transfer from other side, usually this means better heat transfer than devices that have contacts and heat transfer pads on one side.
Solder pastes without Ag have thermal conductivity about 50W/m×K.
CPU die can be made from different materials. It is hard to find any info about new one. For example gallium arsenide have thermal conductivity about 55W/m×K (I’m sure it is not the best material).
Keep laughing.

I remember, few more days please.
I have some extra non-dtp quad alu pcbs made by dsche. I can add one as gift to you or somebody else who is going to buy spacers and have enought knowledges and measure instruments to make tests.
I have some same triple boards working as main light at 10-15W for long time and there is no problems with leds.

ah you mean thermal paste :beer:

Cheers David

UP :slight_smile:
so where is the cheapest place to buy noctigons and sinkpads? (considering shipping… so unfortunately MTNelectronics is excluded since i live in Europe)

I’ve found:

any other option?

What about this? Where do they sell them?

thanks :wink: