Anyone have tutorial or pics on how to harvest cells from laptop batts?

The laptop was I think a Toshiba. Older, not even dual core. Ive had the pack for maybe 2yrs now. She bought it as the old one was not holding charge, but then decided she was due a new laptop anyway (got herself an i5) so the pack never saw any service, at least not much, maybe a month.

The replacement pack is a ‘2 power’ brand going off the cardboard box it came in.

Are they safe tech? I assume they are no longer protected.

Edit: and they test at 2@1.6v, 2@1.8Xv and 2@1.9Xv. Interesting how they appear to be in pairs.

They will be unprotected cells (all laptop pulls are).


This was the mistake I was making. I was doing quick, deliberate cuts but still once and a while getting a spark when I made the cut. After that I started paying attention to how they were wired together :wink: