Anyone in the Santa Barbara CA area able to help me flash my D4?

I’m certainly a novice, but I’m happy to help! :+1: I only learned this compiling/flashing stuff in September 2017 when ToyKeeper released the first version of Andúril. I got lots of help in the E-switch and FSM thread while learning the process.

A few more notes:

I recall having problems with Windows properly recognizing my USB flashing device, but can’t remember the specific issue or symptoms. I have a note to myself to use the Zadig USB drivers available here.

I’ve noticed that I need to plug my flashing device into the same physical USB port on my computer each time I reflash a driver. I’m guessing this is due to the Zadig driver being set up for that specific port.

The ATtiny85 chip has a small dimple to mark the location of pin #1. I enhanced this with a dot from a silver Sharpie marker, and put one on my SOIC clip too. I reflash my lights whenever ToyKeeper issues a new version of Andúril, and this helps me get the clip on the chip in the correct orientation without squinting. :slight_smile:

I run this avrdude command to check the connection between the driver and computer before sending the hex file:

avrdude -p t85 -c usbasp -n

If the connection isn’t working, the command will yield some errors.

I have a cheap SOIC clip, so I sometimes need a few attempts to get a good connection to the chip.