Anyone modified a Q8 or SP36 to accept a lanyard?

picture please? No idea what that describes. Sounds useful.

He is talking about something similiar to this… except it is on the end of a cheap ‘selfie stick’.

Thank you I am on my way to the local Chinese store to see what I can find .

Thanks teacher. Yeah similar setup. with ball joint on end. I might have to pick up a few more.

My pleasure mmalive, I did not want hank to be left wondering till you returned. :wink:

You are a flashlight saint here. Always saving the day with great information like always. Thanks.

:open_mouth: … Your welcome, thank you for the kind words. :+1:
Although "Saint" might be stretching it a bit.... . :innocent: … :smiley:

I used this knot

I used a small diameter nylon cord with less stretch than paracord.

That looks about what I did. It works.

I really like what you did there. Could you possibly provide a link to where you got that nylon cord?

Another cord option is nylon rope. Small engine repair shops sell small diameter starter rope. It has less stretch than paracord. You can also search recoil starter rope on Amazon for examples.

I found this brand at a central Texas store but it's available on Amazon.

I like to make an attachment adapter with a smaller diameter cord

and then a lanyard with a more comfortable surface area.

  1. This set up is good when you find a new favorite lanyard and
  2. there's no metal ring to scratch the light.

This old thread may give you a few ideas .

People asked for pics of my wrapped lights but they are not done very well ..OTOH the boruit R2 headlamp has been wrapped in dark blue shoelace since day one just proving that you don't have to have mad skills to tie one on .

I wrapped the BLF Q8 the day I got it because of the flats that I thought would bug me . They don't because I haven't seen them in years .I began wrapping the old SkyRay kings because the odd slits in the side of them seemed like a good place to get creative .

More info please on material or technique for sp36

Would this thread be of any help? I bookmarked it a while back but haven’t used it.