AR Lenses - Lets Measure Improvement

lilkevin715 wrote:

Stating percentage increase over stock isn’t the best way to evaluate a lens. A better way is to measure how efficient a lens is. Please see my testing on various lenses (as well as some other things) for Solarforce hosts here.

That looks like some fine testing you did there. I only scanned it and will try to read and understand it when I'm not so tired. The only thing that stood out was that I couldn't really tell what specific products you tested. I will consider your advice and improve this thread if I can think of a way to do it.

I will admit that my tests were sloppy and not ideal. My intention is only to provide a reference to any measurements made by anyone regardless of their approach. Hopefully, there will be enough cases to enable members to make more informed choices. I purchased over 20 lenses from CNG. I will be measuring and documenting each one as I install them. I will document the specific light and lens replaced. I will most likely continue to use the same approach because it is easy and fast. I just have too many other things going on in life to do any more than that.