Are BAK 21700 5000mAh 15A Battery (N21700CG) any good?

If you wanted to step it up, you’re going to get into cells like the Samaung 50S, Molicel P45B, Samsung 50G, and Sanyo/Panasonic NCR21700B. All of those are much more expensive.

So, what would I really want in any of those? The 5000mah at the 25a, vs a 4500. ? Does it make a big difference? Is there a preference with any of those choices? Thanks, and sorry for all the ?, still trying to understand these.

The differences will mostly be limited to stsrt up and about 30 minutes into running the light where higher capacity nakes a difference. The other is whether your flashlight can utilize the added current handling capabilities, e.g. direct drivers. Direct drive lights will be brighter on high output batteries (like switching from an 18650GA to a Sony VTC6 on a FW3A) , but the runtime will be shorter. If you’ve got a boost or buck driver woth a current limit, a higher capacity cell that can easily handle the maximum input current will be ideal. Usually, our boost and buck drivers on most all single cell lights (without a FET) is a hard limit at about 11 amps or so. Going from a 50G to a 50S won’t make an appreciable difference.

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