Astrolux FT03 SST40 problem with decreasing power after few seconds

i know that i cannot calibrate it like i may do in Anduril.

i mean that i tried to set treshold manually, find temperature that was barely tolerable for hands. i set stepdown point on it. that didnt helped, as these +20 degrees still seemed to work.

so i just turned down stepdown and that helped. i simply feel when i have to decrease turbo )

I had the same problem!

Disable thermal stepdown, try if it still behaves like that afterwards.

Probably the temperature calibration is way off.
The light does stepdown because it thinks its too hot.

Regarding disabling stepdown in Narsil’s temperature control setting — would it be “safe” for the flashlight electronics (LED, driver) for the FT03 with SST40 (how about with the FT03 with XHP50.2) — I understand it might get too hot to hold when temperature control is disabled.