Astrolux S3 / SC Hosts on Preorder $14.99 / $26.99

M4D M4X deals - Astrolux WP1 and WP2 LEP - #1455 by M4D_M4X :wink:

Well, now I’m back to buying one again. What size MCPCB do I need for the LED? Looks big. Doesn’t look like it has a switch either?

The “we don’t know what we’re selling” desk has responded to my asking whether any switch components besides the plastic cover are included:

So it’s going to be a bit of a challenge finding proper switch parts. Any pointers welcome.

I guess they had trouble making the backlit switches work, and ended up with extra empty flashlight tailcaps to get rid of.
Just speculation though.

Thanks, M4D M4X !

Followup question asked, so far unanswered at

There is already a picture on the BG website, the tailcap is empty aside from a retaining ring.

I’ll look again, there was no picture I could see of the inside of the tailcap, as of a couple of days ago.
It would be good if they’re now showing what they actually offer.

Anyone got a link to the necessary parts?

EDIT — cleared my browser cache, looked again and, nope, I don’t see what you see.
You sure you’’re looking at the small light, not the big light? They may be different.
Can you link to the image?

SC shows an empty tailcap. S3 doesn’t have that kind of picture.

Hm. So for the smaller light:

What size threaded retaining ring fits — are there threads for a switch retaining ring cut inside the tailcap?
And are the boards and LEDs for the lighted tailswitch available anywhere?

I guess this could just be used as a twistie.

Does anybody know the lens diameter & thickness?

Please get us a blf special. I’m on the hunt for my first copper light.

Sorry, I should have mentioned it was on the copper version.

OK. Anyone know a source for the lighted tailcap board and switch?

Else I guess a good strong spring the right length would make this a decent twisty.

Of course - The man himself ….PD68. If he does not have any ready he will certainly give you his supply line

Just Sayin’ :disguised_face:

Hm. Got mine, and it did come with a complete tailcap, including the switch and the blue LEDs.

No promises that’s not a mistake, but that’s what I got.

I’m glad for you because having no switch was going to be a problem. I solved my problem by buying a complete SC this week.

Both hosts arrived today, one copper and one aluminum.
The copper host doesn’t include a switch but the aluminum one does.

Does the convoy reverse clicky fit in these hosts, the one that comes with the C8/S2’s?