Astrolux S41 quality issues?

I suspect that the coating will buff off with a mild abrasive. Vin over on CPF further hot rods this light and one of the things he does is to polish the copper. I an sure that he could recommend a solution.

I know that the finger print would drive me bat crap crazy. I hope that the OP can get a satisfactory solution.


Yes thats my concern about the copper fin that will oxidized and turned darker color and requires weekly (or monthly) polishing/maintenance to make it looks good after stripping the protective coat and polish off the finger print.
Im struggling… do it or leave it… :frowning:

I have had mine for 6-8 months now and it is much darker than it was when I got it so I am not sure that the seal coat is very thick anyway. It will look good all polished up though. :slight_smile:


Yeap, i saw skylumen had the polished head in the inventory…. it looks cool… just not sure how long can it last…

Yes the coating will eventually wear off anyways. Tough call. I like polished/coated much better than “patina” myself

I was wondering a long time about that “coating” they use in China for our nice copper lights … what kind of coating is this? It must be very soft on thin if you can rub it off with your fingers… are you all sure there is really ANY coating used on these lights? I recently got a Lumintop copper tool, it was vacuum sealed in a bag, but was already very dark when unpacking… I hate the dark patina, like my copper bright and shiny… so if I polish them I will rub of the protecting coating (if there is any) and need to polish these lights regularely (with what?) to keep them shiny? Should I use a Dremel to polish my copper lights or is this a “no-no”?


Copper oxidises (or oxidize if you’re americano :smiley: ) very quickly in air. Best thing you can do is polish it up with a mildly abrasive car polish and a few layers of “renaissance wax” or similar. It wont last forever but it will stop it for a while

I’m convinced there is. A guy showed in a video that the outer part of the copper there is no electric conductivity, whereas in the gaps there is. Therefore there must be some layer applied on the copper me think.

If you expect to be touching the copper surface alot, I would coat with something as copper tends to stain skin green.

I think a lot of flashaholics are pretty touchy with their lights lol. At least I am :-).

I think that not all copper flashlights are coated… im not sure about the Lumintop, but this Astrolux S41, i think there is some kind of coating there as i can scratch a bit off using fingernail!
I dont think u want to try scratching it on ur Lumintop tho…

Im wondering if copper safe if you touch with your bare hand?

Do not lick it all day and you’ll be fine. It is more the smell that people don’t like.

:smiley: ok i wont lick.

but is there any dangerous chemical if you touch with bare hand and forgot to wash it while eating chips?

Metallic copper, which is harmless, in your hands will turn into copper salts that are in fact toxic and smelly. But not that toxic, so you need to ingest a fair amount to cause any harm. The fact that it is smelly and that copper salts in your mouth have a distinct unpleasant metallic taste (as a former lab worker don’t ask me how I know), does not help with eating enough to damage you

True story:

This happened a long time ago, something like half or full century ago. A woman wanted to kill her husband, and she tried to poison him with copper. She put a lot of copper coins in the tea water before serving the tea to her husband. Apparently the husband found out and it became a lawsuit; she was charged attempt murder. Eventually the judge found her innocent, and the reason was a technical one. It is not attempt murder, because it is impossible to kill someone the way she did.

Small amounts of copper can help prevent gray hair among other things. Not to mention that people have used copper cookware for quite some time. I would not be worried int he slightest about handling copper.

Heck guys handle lead while soldering daily for years on end and have no lead related issues.

What Makes Copper Cookware Safe
Acidic foods such as tomatoes or lemons can leach copper from the cookware. The copper becomes bound to the food and is then ingested. To prevent this from happening, the interior of the copper pans are lined with stainless steel, tin , or nickel. Acids do not damage the liner so no copper is leached from the cookware during the mixing or cooking process. Cooks still get the benefit of the aesthetic appeal of copper and the copper exterior.

That is only on newer pans, they didn’t have the technology for that years ago. You know all those copper pans you se hanging on walls in outdoor stores/ old west restaurants? Those were once used extensively as is in the raw copper form.

Now I would not do it but it was done.

im just really concerning about copper and there are so many flasholic collecting those lights.

They are good for heat conductivity but i heard copper can cause brain damage if it get into the body. Can some expert shred some light on this?