Attiny25/45/85 FW Development Thread

Wait, I'm confused. Even with OTC is it standard to turn on brownout detection? I' thinking I've seen flaky probs also with NOINIT, using th power switch to change modes but with my e-switch firmware, but really haven't tested it much. I got it on a X6R and a Y3 now.

Totally unrelated - Dale reported in TK's firmware thread I believe, a problem with high amps and a 25 MCU, think with multi parallel LED's. I'm having problems now with an 85 MCU with high amps in a FET+1 based driver in a SupFire M6: 4P cells with 3P LED's. I haven't narrowed/isolated the problem down, but seems to work fine on a poor cell like a TrustFire. I gotta begin to isolate it - could be anything to do with this driver at this point. It was fully working 100% with an older FET driver, and I replaced it with a 22mm FET+1. Did my usual careful continuity tests on this driver and all looked good. Also the driver tested fine on the bench with 1 LED. I could try:

  • wire up only 1 LED, not 3
  • replace FET (SIR800DP high performance)
  • 85 MCU? Maybe the firmware?

Dunno - symptoms when it flakes out seems to be problems with FET PWM modes, and seems like the MCU goes out to lunch - gets stuck in blinking state, etc. Maybe I should try turning on brownout detection...