Attiny25/45/85 FW Development Thread

Yes - all our recent firmware versions use wear leveling (mode memory and config settings).

Oh boy lots of Q's... In some of our recent BLF Group buys, we try to get a true "modded light", and it's performance/function, to the masses, and this group buy for the BLF SE X6 v2 and X5 is exactly that - cannot be bought anywhere, no modding required, fully working at high performance, but to tweak it out fully, you need to add bypass's on the springs. It's also somewhat high-end for a budget light - X6 is SS/Cu and the X5 is 100% Cu body, so these are very special. But you can also buy the pair in regular black anodized alum for cheaper.

Not sure bout star options - I don't use them - might be a compile option.