ThorFire PF04 XP-G2 R5 210Lumens 3modes Penlight EDC LED Flashlight AAA
Use coupon code YTFPF4 for 36% discount - price will drop to $11.20 (-$6.30)
The light has 3 nice spaced modes: moonlight(1lm) -> med (50lm) -> high (210lm).
ThorFire PF04 XP-G2 R5 210Lumens 3modes Penlight EDC LED Flashlight AAA
Use coupon code YTFPF4 for 36% discount - price will drop to $11.20 (-$6.30)
The light has 3 nice spaced modes: moonlight(1lm) -> med (50lm) -> high (210lm).